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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1071

Ryder had never felt such a surge of excitement before. It was as though the door to his dreams had finally swung open right in front of him. Golden light spilled out from within. All he had to do was push that door open, and there he'd be, in another world—a world filled with the scent of flowers, the songs of birds, and vibrant colors. It was everything he had longed for, everything he had yearned for over the years. Ryder felt dizzy with anticipation. His gaze was fixed on the clerk as they put together the marriage license. Each step they took was, to Ryder, akin to the crafting of a masterpiece, utterly delightful to behold.

But then, Ryder's reverie was abruptly shattered by Agnes's icy voice. "Ryder, have you sent out that email yet?" Ryder hadn't expected Agnes to be so impatient. Yet, in that moment, he still felt wrapped up in his imagined bliss. He didn't want to upset Agnes; in fact, he wanted to please her. It was a done deal. In that moment, he had become Agnes's husband in the eyes of the law. What could be happier than that?

Ryder felt as if his whole world had transformed in an instant. Sunshine broke through the clouds and shone down upon him. At that moment, Ryder desperately wished for a hug from Agnes. But a part of him was still grounded in reality, no longer daring to expect too much. All he could think was, "There's always tomorrow." Yes, there's always tomorrow. With so much future ahead, what couldn't be changed? If he could become Agnes's husband, he could also become the one who stepped into her heart. Someday.

Ryder smiled, his mood lightened. "Okay, I'll send it right now." He pulled out his phone. After a few quick taps, he told Agnes, "The police's system has now received my email, complete with detailed information on the drug manufacturer, including his current location. Don't worry, the authorities will catch him soon."

Agnes frowned slightly. "Did you really send it?" Ryder nodded. His mind seemed elsewhere. To him, this was just a minor detail. He had already turned around, waiting to collect the marriage license. But then, the clerks stopped what they were doing. They were discussing something, glancing over at Ryder and Agnes occasionally. Ryder felt a sense of unease. He asked, "What's going on? Where's our marriage license?"

One of the clerks said, "I'm sorry, sir, but you can't marry this lady." Ryder's expression shattered. He had a terrible premonition. It was as if something inside him was breaking, piece by piece. Ryder's face registered disbelief. It was the final step, the very last one; nothing should go wrong, absolutely nothing. "Why? Why can't we get married?"

"Because, Agnes is still legally my wife. We haven't dissolved our marriage. How can she marry you?" A familiar voice came from the doorway. Ryder and Agnes turned around. It was Jared. Jared was dressed in a black trench coat, looking completely different from the day before. As if he had shed his skin, becoming someone else entirely.

"Jared," Agnes called out, a hint of joy in her voice. Then, she started walking towards Jared. From the moment Agnes took her first step, Ryder knew he was doomed.


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