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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1077

Ever since Valeria left the Tim Group and made her triumphant return to the Thomas Group, her life seemed to have taken a dramatic turn. Now, as the Deputy CEO of the Thomas Group, she wielded immense power, second only to the CEO himself. It had been quite a while since anyone had seen Valeria around.

Agnes was well aware that before Valeria's departure, she had confessed her feelings to Jared, only to be turned down. It was this rejection that spurred her to leave the Tim Group and reclaim her rightful place within the Thomas Group's hierarchy.

Their next encounter was as if no time had passed; Valeria still exuded an air of unflappable professionalism. She approached Agnes and Jared with ease, opening with, “I saw the news about your murder charge and was quite worried for you, Jared. But I knew you were innocent.”

Jared simply replied, “Thanks,” with an unfazed demeanor.

Valeria then turned her attention to Agnes, “I’ve always admired Ms. Pritchard. To have two men so utterly devoted, truly, your allure is unmatched. It’s just a shame about Ryder going down the wrong path, quite the disappointment.”

Agnes could sense the slight jab in Valeria’s words but chose not to take the bait. “The truth of the matter is still unknown. It’s too early to judge whether Ryder has truly lost his way, Ms. Thomas.”

Valeria offered a nonchalant smile, “I was merely speaking my mind. There’s no need for hostility, Ms. Pritchard. As Ryder’s sister, I too hope it’s all a misunderstanding. Our visit today is aimed at uncovering the truth and hopefully securing Ryder’s release.”

The conversation was cut short as Valeria noticed Alyssa descending the staircase. She greeted Alyssa warmly before joining her, with Cilian following closely behind. Alyssa had always been cold to Cilian, even going out of her way to avoid him at times, behavior that pained him deeply.

Cilian's marriage had ended in a swift, impulsive divorce. At that time, he was painfully aware that Jared was Alyssa's son and that she had only married him as a stand-in for another man – a man whose name, Michael, Alyssa would sometimes whisper in her sleep or even call out at their most intimate moments. Now known as Reggie, the notorious underworld boss, even the thought of him stirred a tempest within Cilian's usually calm demeanor. He harbored a deep-seated desire to destroy the man who ruined both Alyssa and their marriage.

As Alyssa approached, Cilian could not help but admire how time had seemingly spared her. Despite nearing fifty, her beauty remained undiminished, enhanced only by a dignified grace. Yet, upon closer inspection, the subtle signs of aging – fine lines at her eyes and a few strands of gray hair – did not detract from her stunning appearance. Cilian's love for her had endured nearly three decades, a testament to her enduring charm.

When Alyssa reached the bottom of the staircase, Cilian greeted her, “You’ve arrived.”

Her response was cool, detached, “You wanted to see me.”

Indeed, Cilian had initiated this meeting, given Ryder was also his son. Alyssa hadn't refused. For Cilian, extricating Ryder from legal trouble, even if he was implicated in drug trafficking, was not an insurmountable task. Yet, his true motive for being here was to seek the truth and, more importantly, to see Alyssa once more.

“Alyssa, there’s something I need to tell you,” Cilian began.

“Let’s talk later. There’s someone else coming today, should be here soon,” Alyssa replied, glancing at her watch before her gaze shifted towards the grand entrance of the Whitfield family mansion.


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