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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1082

Phoenix's face was a storm of fury, "Dare to doubt my godfather, thinking your riches and power scare us? Think again."

At the same moment, Sean and Kearney stepped forward, flanking Michael like guardian angels ready to throw down at a moment's notice.

Cilian tossed out a sarcastic quip, "You guys are quite the actors. Wouldn't be surprised if one of you is the mastermind. Isn't that hilarious?"

Phoenix bristled at the challenge. To this day, Cilian remained the only one bold enough to provoke Reggie.

Phoenix was about to retort when Reggie interjected, "Everyone, back off."

The study fell silent.

Agnes chimed in, "This all started with Patton, who was indeed affiliated with Albert’s Arms. We're certain there's someone above Patton, but without concrete evidence, the mastermind remains unknown."

Sean suddenly spoke, his voice rich and steady, "Patton was my man. Despite his temper and flaws, he was loyal to me. Even though I've been abroad, we kept in touch, and I can vouch he wasn't involved in drug trafficking."

Agnes was taken aback by Sean's defense of Patton, especially since the police were nearly convinced of Patton's guilt, thanks to the clues provided by Lanny and others. However, Patton died under suspicious circumstances the night following his arrest, a victim of ricin poisoning, evidently murdered to silence him. The officer implicated in Patton's death had since vanished, having moved abroad, leaving the case cold but the suspicion on Patton for drug trafficking remained.

Now, with Sean attempting to clear Patton's name, the situation seemed even more incomprehensible.

Phoenix, visibly frustrated, said, "Sean, you've been out of the country. You're not privy to the details here. Patton's guilt has been established. You're only drawing suspicion onto yourself by defending a condemned man."

But Sean maintained his solemn demeanor, "I'm speaking the truth, Reggie. This is complex, someone might have used Patton as a pawn."

Phoenix quickly added, "Reggie, someone's trying to frame Sean, just like what happened years ago."

Kearney, who had been silent, finally spoke when Reggie asked for his opinion, "I agree with Phoenix. Perhaps someone within Albert’s Arms is trying to set up our brother."

Reggie remained quiet.

Agnes observed the unfolding drama, realizing the situation was more complicated than imagined. Sean and Kearney, being among the most powerful in Albert’s Arms, were prime suspects in the drug trafficking case. Such a large-scale operation could only be managed by those in power, yet it was hard to imagine either of them as the traitor.

Despite the suspicions, Agnes hoped neither was involved, understanding the gravity of betrayal within their ranks, and how it could shake the very foundations of Albert’s Arms.


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