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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1085

Alyssa stumbled backward in disbelief, her steps nearly faltering beneath her. Thankfully, Cilian was right there to steady her. Panic surged through Alyssa, her body trembling uncontrollably. She clung to Cilian's hand as if it were a lifeline, her voice laced with fear, "What are we going to do? If something happens to Ryder, I don't know how I'll cope."

Though Cilian felt as if his heart was being shredded into a thousand pieces, he managed to muster a comforting tone. "Don't worry," he reassured Alyssa, "Ryder is going to be okay. I'll find the best neurologist in the world, no matter the cost. We'll get him through this."

Agnes and Jared stood by, equally distraught. Agnes felt as though her heart was being hammered, each blow threatening to shatter it completely. Jared, feeling ice run through his veins, blamed himself for the calamity. He believed that had he not plotted this scheme, none of this would have happened. Now, all their efforts were in vain, and Ryder was in grave danger.

Michael arrived, his brow furrowed in concern. The situation somehow linked back to Albert’s Arms, a notorious group involved in similar incidents. The method used against Ryder bore a striking resemblance to how Patton had been targeted, indicating that Ryder's assailant was also associated with Albert’s Arms.

Ryder was moved to the ICU, where the doctors believed he had a significant chance of awakening. However, they were concerned by his apparent lack of will to live, complicating his recovery prospects.

Alyssa felt utterly devastated. She realized that Ryder, who had always seemed to be in a silent battle with Jared, had lost his will, possibly due to feeling unloved and betrayed, especially by Agnes and Jared, the very people he cared about the most. Alyssa blamed herself for being a neglectful mother, too caught up in her own feelings to see the delicate soul of her son.

Standing outside the ICU, tears streaming down her face, Alyssa was wracked with guilt and regret. Cilian stayed by her side, offering silent support, while Michael, too, shared in the somber vigil.

However, Cilian's grief soon turned to anger, particularly towards Michael. He pointed a finger of blame squarely at him, his voice laced with accusation. "You need to get out of here. This is all your doing. You want to know what's happening to Ryder? The very person who's been tormenting him might be standing among us right now, Michael. And if I find out who it is, I swear I'll make them pay dearly."

In this moment of acute crisis, the lines between friend and foe blurred, as emotions ran high and the struggle for Ryder's life intensified.


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