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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1087

Although we had our suspicions about Berlin before, we never imagined he was the mastermind behind such heinous acts. It turns out, NovaPlex Labs has been a drug manufacturing hub all along. Berlin had been dealing drugs in secret, keeping his identity well hidden. He only ever interacted with the chemist involved in the drug making. No one else had a clue.

However, when the situation blew up, it was revealed that the chemist's hideout was arranged by Berlin himself. Ryder, aware of the chemist's whereabouts, was not in cahoots with the drug dealers. His knowledge came from an unknown third party. Once Berlin found out, he attempted to silence the chemist permanently.

But the chemist had a contingency plan. He had given crucial evidence to a friend, instructing them to hand it over to the police should anything happen to him. And so, the case exploded into public view. The long-investigated drug case cracked wide open when the video and audio evidence were anonymously delivered to the police station, directly implicating Berlin in the drug trade.

Berlin was swiftly arrested, a dramatic turn of events, especially since his capture took place in the Capital. Agnes only saw the arrest unfold on TV, but the investigation progressed rapidly afterward, uncovering all the evidence needed to convict Berlin of drug trafficking.

Cilian, deeply betrayed by Berlin's intent to kill Ryder, was heartbroken. Despite everything, Berlin being his own son, Cilian couldn't bring himself to visit Berlin before his sentencing. Berlin's conviction was swift. Initially facing the death penalty, Cilian intervened, managing to reduce the sentence to life imprisonment.

The media was ablaze with the sensational drug manufacturing and trafficking case, drawing to a close with Berlin's conviction. It was known that Berlin had collaborated with Patton from Albert’s Arms in the drug trade. The investigation dragged many from Albert’s Arms into the light, though none from Patton's level or above were implicated, leaving a gaping hole in the case.

The day Berlin was sentenced, Agnes wept. Despite the unfortunate circumstances, justice was served, bringing peace to her father's memory. That evening, after tending to her duties, Agnes headed to Tim Tower, and together with Jared, visited Ryder in the hospital, who had yet to awaken after half a month. Their hearts ached for Ryder, the situation weighing heavily on them.

In the car, Agnes shared her doubts with Jared, "I still feel something's off. There has to be someone above Patton. Ryder once mentioned that someone from Albert’s Arms was targeting Reggie. It can't all be Berlin's doing."

Jared frowned, "If we dig deeper, it won't just be Albert’s Arms we unravel. This goes beyond, involving even the higher echelons of the police force. We won't find a bottom to this, and we won't be allowed to. Jarvis's downfall is proof enough."

Agnes felt a pang in her heart, recalling how Ryder's incident led to Jarvis being dismissed from the police force for negligence.


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