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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 483

Four years later—

In a high-rise apartment in downtown Manhattan.

The alarm went off and Agnes got up immediately. After a war-like hot shower, she felt refreshed.

It's the weekend.

In theory, she could have a lie-in.

However, today there's some serious business to take care of.

Agnes got dressed, headed to the kitchen, and whipped up a sandwich for breakfast.

Then, she ventured into the other room.

Agnes opened the door and stepped inside.

A little boy was lying on the bed.

The kid was ridiculously cute.

His hair was fluffy and soft, and his facial features were well-defined.

Most kids at four or five years old still have those chubby baby faces.

But this little guy was different. His face was mature for his age, with a pair of distinctive eyebrows and eyes. His eyelashes were so long, they could even pass for a girl's.

When he slept, his eyelashes fluttered gently, like a butterfly flapping its wings.

The boy's skin was as tender as the petals of a flower that bloom in the early morning.

He’s in a deep sleep, oblivious to Agnes' presence.

Agnes sat by the bed.

She reached out and gently struck the boy's hair.

This was her son, Nocturne.

Nocturne was a preemie, born on a midsummer night.

Looking back, it was a real nail-biter for Agnes, but luckily, she pulled through.

Agnes' hand brushed Nocturne's cheek.

However, possibly due to oxygen deprivation during the difficult birth, Nocturne was diagnosed with a rare disorder after he was born.

The medical term was Atypical Neurological Hypersomnia.

Nocturne spent most of his day sleeping, with very little awake time.


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