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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 838

“Men are like a deep sea mystery, all calm on the surface, but their hearts have more twists and turns than a country back road,” Agnes complained, shaking her head in exasperation.

“Oh, isn't that just because you heartless women drive us to it?” Jared retorted with a grin, completely unphased.

Agnes, flustered and fuming, reached out to give him a playful smack. But Jared, quick as a wink, caught her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it, making her anger melt away like snow in spring.

Sighing, Agnes said, “If only Brayden had half your emotional intelligence, he wouldn't be in this mess. Do you think, given three years and day-to-day life together, they might patch things up?”

“Three years? They'd probably be on their second kid by then,” Jared said with confidence.

Agnes frowned. “So, you think Brayden's doing it on purpose, trying to win Kerri back?”

“Looks like it. But they've still got their share of issues to sort through. Like his brother, for instance.”

“I've got no clue what went down back then, and Kerri's tight-lipped about the whole thing.”

“Let it go, Agnes. It's their life to figure out. Whether they end up together or not, it's in the hands of fate,” Jared counseled. “Mrs. Whitfield, if you could kindly focus your attention on your own husband, I'd appreciate it. You caring so much about other men doesn't exactly make me thrilled.”

Agnes rolled her eyes, teasing “Jared, were you born a jealousy jar or something?”

“Just figuring that out? So please, handle me with care - I'm fragile like a jar, ready to crack at the slightest hurt.”

“Enough of this banter, I'm off to bed.”



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