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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 845

And wasn't he a germaphobe? Yet, Agnes' lipstick-marked glass seemed to not faze him in the slightest.

It was only Cecile who saw right through Ryder. Slurring her words, Cecile blurted out, "Ryder, you're still pining over her? After all this time, you haven't given up? Ryder, she's your uncle's ex-wife, for heaven's sake! This is practically incest!"

Cecile was undoubtedly a bit inebriated, her words slipping out without any filter. Yet everyone at the table, including those nearby, heard her loud and clear.

Rumors about Agnes and Ryder's past affair had circulated four years ago. But such high society secrets were often murky, the truth obscured by layers of speculation.

Besides, four years had passed.

And now, in a moment of drunken indiscretion, Cecile had torn off the veil of secrecy.

Ryder's face turned an ugly shade of red. Agnes, too, seemed caught off guard by the sudden revelation.

Cecile, however, made another lunge, collapsing into Ryder's arms. Clutching at his shirt, she implored, "Ryder, look at me. Why can't it be me? I've loved you for years. What does Agnes have that I don't? She was with your uncle... no, your own brother! She'll never be able to be with you. Why do you still hold a torch for her? Tell me, have all these years without dating, without marrying, been you waiting for her?"

Ryder pushed Cecile off with a look of utter revulsion.

He acted as if he hadn't heard a word she said, as if her declarations meant nothing.

He summoned the bouncer and, in a shocking move, had Cecile thrown out of the bar.

Cecile desperately resisted, accusing Agnes and sobbing her heart out to Ryder.

What was supposed to be a pleasant alumni gathering had devolved into a scandalous spectacle, impossible to smooth over.

Some tried to calm Cecile, pulling her aside, pleading with her to simmer down.

Meanwhile, all eyes were on Agnes and Ryder, whispers and gossip hung in the air, but nobody dared to speak up.


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