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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 872

Michael was all refined and proper when he slept, almost like a young aristocrat bred in the lap of luxury.

It was hard to reconcile this peaceful image with the rogue that emerged the moment his eyes flickered open—a scoundrel through and through.

Yet, in slumber, he was surprisingly easy on the eyes, rivaling even the most popular boys in the drama club.

Alyssa found herself staring, transfixed, for a long moment.

The sound of a key turning in a lock snapped her back to reality.

It must be Julia returning.

Alyssa's heart raced as she quickly retreated to her own bed, cheeks flushed with the guilty thrill of coveting a forbidden fruit.

Indeed, it was Julia who walked through the door, her eyes widening at the sight of Michael sprawled across her meticulously made bed.

Alyssa braced herself for an outburst—Julia was a stickler for cleanliness.

But, to her surprise, Julia tiptoed over, her footsteps lighter than a whisper, and asked softly, "How did he end up here?"

Alyssa didn't speak, just gestured toward the still-open window.

Julia frowned at the thought of him clambering in like some reckless cat burglar, but she simply sighed and tenderly pulled the blanket over Michael.

Everything was unfolding contrary to Alyssa's expectations. Not only was Julia not angry, but her eyes brimmed with an affectionate concern for Michael who was still asleep.

Julia took Michael's hand and watched over him, a faint, contented smile playing on her lips. The happiness and sweetness seemed to radiate from her gaze, an expression Alyssa had never witnessed before.


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