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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 874

At that time, Alyssa was fuming.

It was Julia's birthday, and here was Michael, showing up with neither cake nor gift, just looking for a free meal and some drinks. Was he seriously trying to mooch off Julia again? Over Alyssa's dead body.

In the end, it was Julia who asked her to go up first. Reluctantly, Alyssa left, but she couldn't shake off her worry, and instead of going away, she just lingered by the staircase.

"That little spitfire sure is feisty," she overheard Michael saying about her.

Alyssa's fingers tightened into fists.

Julia, however, was all smiles. "Just leave her be, Michael. Alyssa is just being a kid."

"Alright, enough about her. Happy birthday, Julia," Michael shifted the topic.

"Thank you."

Michael took Julia's hand and said, "I wanted to get you something special, but I just couldn't decide. I was afraid you wouldn't like what I picked out." Last time, Michael had spent a whole paycheck on a camera for Julia, but the very next day, she had him return it, insisting it was unnecessary and a waste of money.

Julia's voice was soft. "You did the right thing not buying anything. I don't need stuff. I'm just so happy you're here with me."

Alyssa stood by the corner, eavesdropping. They were less than two meters away, and she could hear every word clearly.

Inside, she cursed at Julia's naivety. That was the oldest trick in the book, classic player moves.

Alyssa sneakily peeked around the corner, ready to intervene if needed, but what she saw was unexpected.


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