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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 908

"I thought they were brother and sister? How come there's buzz about them getting hitched? That's got to be some kind of taboo, right?"

"Well, Mamie was taken in by the Bartley family, y'know. They ain't blood-related."

"Doesn't matter one bit. Legally, they're siblings. Tying the knot just flies in the face of decency. Plus, they've been playing up this brother-sister act for years, keeping a romance under wraps. Aren't they playing their fans for fools?"

"Look, that's their personal life. Why you fussing as a fan? You think Mamie's gonna miss one less follower?"

The online world was abuzz, every social platform was lit up with the news.

Agnes stepped into the TV station, and her colleagues swarmed her immediately.

"Agnes, did you see Mamie's news," Ramona said. " Mamie and Ivan are getting hitched! What in the world!"

Even the media folks were gobsmacked, and Agnes knew the public reaction would be off the charts.

Ramona leaned in closer, "With the story blowing up like this, should we spin out an article to stoke the flames?"

Agnes arched an eyebrow, "Of course, I'll pen it myself."

The crowd gaped at Agnes in shock, because Ramona's suggestion was more of a joke, really.

First off, they were a TV station, and while gossip about celebs wasn't off-limits, they tended to keep a more dignified air, not usually stooping to chase clicks with this sort of fluff.

Secondly, Agnes wasn't one for gossip. She never dabbled in scandals.

But here she was, diving into writing the piece, leaving everyone scratching their heads.


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