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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 169

Chapter 169 Another Fierce Fight II (New Chapter!)

In the monstrous sea of flames, the ghost of Hannah was desperately resisting the fire and the explosion. However, it was constantly shrinking...

"No... No..." Slay struggled to raise his hand and looked at the ghost of Hannah above him, which was getting smaller and smaller and even began to shatter. A strong man like him was deeply moved. An overwhelming unwillingness surged in his heart. He tried his best to grab Hannah's hand, but it was just a ghost, and he couldn't catch it at all...

"Ah..." Slay, who was half kneeling on the ground, let out a roar of extreme pain in the sea of flames...

At this moment, Kill, who was madly rushing over here, suddenly heard Slay roaring. His heart trembled, and his eyes instantly turned red. He once again madly sped up and rushed toward Slay, his buddy who had fought with him for many years!

In the sea of raging flames, the ghost of Hannah, which was originally ten meters in size, had shrunk to the size of a normal person. Half of her face had been shattered, and her entire shadow began to shake violently. She was on the verge of a complete breakdown. At the last moment, she looked back at Slay again and made a smile with her remaining face...

"Bang..." The next moment, the ghost of Hannah was shattered into pieces all over the sky.

"My man... Live on..." At the last moment, it murmured again before it collapsed.

Tears welled up in Slay's eyes. He had never cried before, but at this moment, he cried like a baby. He held his huge sword tightly. Then, his figure was devoured by the sea of raging flames after the ghost of Hannah all collapsed...


At the same time, Iwan Cliff in Cleveque City, who was on his way to Morgan Group, suddenly had an extremely bad feeling, so he ran towards the Bass family without hesitation.

Bad things must have happened to Hannah or Slay! Iwan called Ivy while rushing to the Bass family. As expected, as soon as Ivy picked up the phone, she almost cried, "My Lord, Slay, Slay is in danger. He sent a signal for help before, but then he told us not to come! My Lord, will... will Slay die?"

Iwan's heart skipped a beat, and the killing intent rose inside! "Don't worry, Ivy. If something happens to Slay, he may still have the chance to live! That crazy Hannah will fight for him! Mobilize all forces, and tell them to find Slay! I'm too far away to save him! Hurry up! Send someone! Now!"

After saying that, Iwan hung up the phone and headed to the Bass family. The reason why he knew that something had happened to Slay and Hannah was that the day he took Jayna to attend the press conference of Morgan Group and met Hannah and Jane, Hannah had given him something.

That day when Jane said she was going to the External Battlefield, Hannah was silent. But at that time, Iwan felt something wrong with Hannah. She was extremely weak, not physically, but mentally. Yes, it wasn't fatigue, but weakness!

So when they were about to part from each other, Iwan stopped Hannah and chatted with her for five minutes. Then Hannah gave him a button signal receiver and told him that she had added an AI program while repairing Slay's huge sword so that if something happened to Slay, she and Iwan could notice immediately.

In fact, Iwan didn't pay much attention to it at that time, because Ivy had prepared such a thing for every soldier of the Heaven Domain. But now, something really happened to Slay, so he immediately thought of what Hannah said.

However, when Iwan arrived at the Bass Group ten minutes later, he found that the place was already surrounded by a lot of people, and everyone was extremely flustered. Jaxton Bass and Owen Bass, Hannah's grandfather, were also there. Their eyes were bloody red. Iwan immediately asked Owen Bass, "Where is Hannah? What happened?"

Owen Bass looked at Iwan Cliff with a complicated and painful expression and said, "Mr. Cliff, Hannah is in a coma. Her breath is very weak, and her brain waves are about to stop..."

"What? How could that happen?" Iwan was shocked. Something had just happened to Slay, and now Hannah! Was there any connection between them in some way?

Owen Bass didn't say another word and just took Iwan to a secret basement for treatment. Through the glass, Iwan saw Hannah lying on the bed, with a group of doctors at a loss around her.

Iwan frowned deeply. Looking at Hannah who was lying in bed, Owen Bass sighed deeply with great worry in his eyes. He said slowly, "Slay has saved her twice, and he showed up whenever she was most desperate. Therefore, although she didn't know Slay before, she fell in love with him. As for girls like Hannah, once they fall in love with a man, they will never change until death..."

After a pause, Owen continued, "But Hannah is not a soldier. She doesn't have any strength and can't go to the External Battlefield like Miss Cook for the man she likes. So... she has to think out of the box..."

Owen took a deep breath and continued, "Mr. Cliff, Hannah is one of the top scientists in the world and good at AI, so she used all she learned and installed the best AI program into Slay's huge sword, which is called mutual death program!"

"Mutual death program?" Iwan murmured in shock.

Owen nodded and said, "Yes. Hannah removed some of her nerve cells and inserted them into the program. Only when Slay encountered a life-and-death crisis would this program be activated to form a protective shield for him and at the same time guide the nearest thermal weapon system to rescue him. Now that you are here, I assume that something has happened to Slay, right?"

Iwan nodded, but he still couldn't suppress the shock in his heart. He said in disbelief, "That's crazy, how could she remove some of her nerve cells and plant them into an AI program? That's impossible and is prohibited!"

Owen nodded with a more complicated expression. "Yes, it is prohibited in every country in the world, because it is very likely to cause something out of control in the future. For example, a robot will have its own consciousness, or when some people come to the end of their lives and lose all their energy, their consciousness can be transplanted into the machine to continue their lives. This is against human nature. But Mr. Cliff, sometimes geniuses and madmen are the same, right? No one has accomplished this technology yet, and I know nothing about science. I really don't know how Hannah did this... "

"Hannah's program was activated when something happened to Slay. But why did it cause her tens of thousands of miles away to pass out and make her extremely weak? Mr. Cliff, do you know why?"

Iwan shook his head. He couldn't help but sigh at the craziness of Hannah! He didn't know how Hannah did it because only God could do such a thing! Then, Iwan pushed the door open and walked in. He took out a green pill from the pendant in his arms, crushed the pill, and sprinkled the powder on Hannah's head.

"Mr. Cliff, what's this? Hannah's brain has some response." Owen, who came in with Iwan, asked him in surprise.

Iwan looked at Hannah seriously and felt her vitality carefully. After a long while, he said, "It can treat mental damage, which can greatly recover mental spirit. Looks like it works, but that's not enough..."

Owen hurriedly said, "Mr. Cliff, where can I buy this pill? I will pay for everything!"

Iwan frowned and shook his head. "Hannah is lying here because she tried to save Slay. If it is a money problem, the Heaven Domain will take care of it. But it is not something we can buy. It's made of herbs growing in a pile of bodies on the External Battlefield. So it's very rare and has a great effect even for God Emperors. But with the pill I just gave to her, she won't die within a year. You just need to maintain her health, and we will keep looking for more pills... "

Owen thanked him gratefully. Then he looked at Hannah, who was lying on the bed. It seemed that she was sleeping, but she couldn't wake up. Owen's eyes were full of expectations and complex feelings.


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