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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 170

Chapter 170 Evan Cliff is Going Home! (New Chapter!)

"Slay! How are you feeling?" Kill shouted worriedly.

"Thud..." The next moment, Slay fell straight backward. He was seriously injured, but since he had reached the level of God Emperor, his vitality was incomparably strong, causing him to suffer indescribable pain all the time. But no matter how much pain he suffered, it was not as painful as the sadness inside.

The moment Slay fell to the ground, blood and tears were still falling from his eyes. He couldn’t stop thinking about the words that Hannah had said before, ‘Mutual death program, mutual death, death...’

Slay lay on the ground and looked at the blue sky above with eyes misted. He wanted to stay awake, but he couldn't hold on any longer. Her eyelids became heavier and heavier. Then he exhausted the last trace of spirit and fainted.

Slay's left hand fell feebly to the ground. When Kill went to help him, he found that Kill was holding something in his left hand tightly. It was a heart-shaped thing with green light. Faintly, the light passed through his bloody hand and projected. It was a virtual image the size of a palm, which seemed to be the figure of Hannah Bass, and it was looking at Slay with a smile...

"How! How could it be possible!" Seeing the ghost of Hannah Bass, Kill, Dark, and War were in great shock! After sending them the signal of giving up rescue, Slay survived in the explosion and the sea of flames.

At the same time, in Hannah's room in Cleveque City, Dragon Kingdom, a faint smile suddenly appeared on Hannah’s face...

"The helicopter! Where is it? And the medical team!" Dark took out the special walkie-talkie of the Heaven Domain and roared crazily. Then, the sound of helicopters came from the distant sky, and every helicopter had a medical team on it. On the ground not far away, countless soldiers of the Heaven Domain were gathering as fast as they can. Although Slay had become a God Emperor, he was seriously injured. They wouldn’t allow any other forces to interfere at this time! And Anyone who tried to step in would be the mortal enemy of Heaven Domain at this time!

In the wilderness in the distance, Alexis White dressed in a white robe and a group of half-a-step God Emperors beside him were looking towards Slay.

"Retreat. There is no way for us to kill them now. Even Harlan who came back with ten half-a-step God Emperors died here. If we do anything now, the Heaven Domain won’t let us go. They will kill us for sure..."

His partner wearing the same white mask didn't say anything but nodded. Then they left. Although this would be a good opportunity to inflict heavy losses on the Heaven Domain, it was the moment that the Heaven Domain was the most dangerous ever! Whoever dares to attack them, the Heaven Domain wouldn’t show any mercy but kill to the end!

The rest foreign powerhouses who wanted to take advantage of the Heaven Domain also retreated when they saw the warriors from the Heaven Domain in the distance gathering. They understood that it was not a good time to offend the Heaven Domain...

From now on, there would be one more incredibly powerful God Emperor in the Heaven Domain, who had reached a later level even though he just made the breakthrough.

At the Broken Valley, External Battlefield, Sullivan quietly showed up. Looking at the direction in which the soldiers of the Heaven Domain gathered in the distance, he sighed and then disappeared. He had already been scared out of his wits by Iwan Cliff, so he would never dare to be hostile to the Heaven Domain again. Besides, Iwan let him go at the last moment, so he owed Iwan a favor. If any God Emperor dared to attack the Heaven Domain today, he would defend the Heaven Domain...

At this moment, Kill looked at Slay, who was still tightly grabbing the heart-shaped fragment even though he had already been in a deep coma. Kill murmured to War and Dark, "When I went to Cleveque City with Slay that day, his huge sword was greatly damaged, and Hannah helped him fix it all day and all night. I didn't expect that woman to install such a thing on the heavy sword and save Slay at a critical moment..."

Hearing this, Dark and War fell silent.

Soon, the helicopter landed. Ivy got off the helicopter with an anxious look on her face, and Kill and Dark carried Slay to the helicopter. They escorted him all the way to the most powerful fortress of the Heaven Domain in External Battlefield, which could resist the attack of God Emperors...


After Slay was sent back to the fortress, Ivy arranged for the medical teams to treat Slay, but none of the doctors could open Slay’s hand. Finally, Ivy whispered a few words in Slay’s ear, and he released his fist. Then the doctors rescued him for three days in a row. In the end, Slay's entire body was soaked in a huge nutrition pool. He was in a mental and physical exhaustion...

Three days later, Slay opened his eyes and quietly climbed out of the nutrition pool. Ivy and the others wanted to talk to him, but he refused to talk and just stayed in the room alone. The heart-shaped AI part that Hannah had installed on his sword was on the table with a green light flashing on it. When he looked at it carefully, he saw a palm-sized ghost of Hannah sleeping on it.

Slay was silent. His face was still pale because he was still weak, but he had passed the most dangerous moment. The wounds on his abdomen had been sewn up. After he reached the level of God Emperor, his life force was so strong that he had been recovering quickly all the time. In the past, he was distant and indifferent. But after he woke up this time, there was something else in his eyes...

He was a nerd in some ways. Back then, he only cared about Iwan Cliff and his companions from the Heaven Domain, but now, there was one more person that he cared about, Hannah Bass...

Slay stayed in the room and didn’t say anything for a long time. Three hours later, he called in Ivy, pointed at the AI part on the table, and said, "Ivy, can you fix it?"

Ivy shook her head bitterly and said, "Slay, I'm sorry. I... I can't. Hannah is one of the top female scientists in the world. Besides, she seemed to have put part of her into it. So I don't dare to touch it at all. I can only charge it..."

Slay nodded and said, "Okay." Then he picked up the phone on the table and called Iwan Cliff. The next moment, Iwan's voice came through, "Bro, video chat!"

Then Iwan hung up the phone, and Slay called him via video chat. At that time, Slay saw a high-level nursing ward on the video, where Hannah was lying on the bed, and Iwan Cliff was standing beside her.

"Iwan... How does she does...?" With a complicated look in his eyes, Slay said to Iwan in a bitter voice.

In the video, Iwan said, "Her spirit is seriously injured, and it seems that her mind is not complete. Slay, listen carefully. I don't know how she did it. Although I gave her a pill made of soul-revival grass, she can only maintain her life for a year. If we can't make more than three pills for her, she will die!"

Hearing this, Slay fell silent...


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