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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 171

Chapter 171 May This Flourishing Age Last Forever!

Traveling on a gigantic ship for three hours, Evan arrived at an island where there was an airport. Then he boarded a plane, heading for the Dragon Kingdom, but he couldn't help but feel nervous. He had not been back for decades, so he almost forgot what his hometown looked like.

When he was looking out the porthole, the captain of his personal squad walked to him and whispered, "General, this plane can only fly to Cleveque. I'll have to contact the Cleveque Military Headquarters and make arrangements for your flight transfer. Do you want to fly to Gotham tonight?"

"Cleveque, right?" Evan pondered for a moment and said, "No. Stay in Cleveque tonight. It is said that Cleveque is now the most economically powerful city in the Dragon Kingdom. Let's stay there for one night. I'll see what the most developed city of our Dragon Kingdom is like and how good or bad it is compared with those top cities in the External Regions."

"Yes, general!" the captain responded respectfully before going to make arrangements.

But Evan stopped him and added, "Don't make arrangements. Keep a low profile. Don't disturb the people of Cleveque. Ho, ho, I'm just an ordinary old man."

The captain nodded as his eyes turned a little red. Evan was now old, but he had fought for a lifetime for and dedicated everything of his to the Dragon Kingdom. Now, when he returned to the country alive, no matter where he went, he should be treated with the highest standards of courtesy. Yet, this old man kept a low profile, not wanting to give anyone trouble or affect anyone.

After making the decision, he took out his phone and dialed a number he remembered.

But due to time differences, now, when the External Regions were in daylight, Gotham was at night. At the moment, Neil Cliff, the second elder of the Cliff family who was about to sleep, shook violently when looking at the incoming number on his phone. The number's owner called him so rarely. The last time the person called him happened six years ago, and only the person could call him with this number. He could not reach him by dialing it. This was the encrypted number Evan used to call those in the Dragon Kingdom.

Seeing this number, Neil knew it was Evan's call. Then, remembering the news Rendon had told him, he knew Evan was indeed coming back.

His eldest brother, who had fought for the Dragon Kingdom for a lifetime on overseas battlefields and should come back with honor, now retired from the army and came home. He should have enjoyed supreme glory and family happiness, but now... now... Neil fell silent with quite mixed feelings. Actually, he already knew Evan would be back soon. He thought he was mentally well-prepared! But now, when Evan really called him, he was panicky.

"Brother? I... I'm sorry. How could... could I explain what's happening in the Cliff family to you now?" Neil froze, torn between so many kinds of feelings. He could not come back to his senses for a long time.

In the air above the External Regions, Evan couldn't help but frown, thinking, "Is Neil asleep? Why doesn't he answer my call?" He called twice, but Neil didn't answer them. When he was about to end the call and redial the number, Neil answered his call.

As soon as his call was answered, Evan said with a smile, "Ho, ho, Neil, you're already asleep? It's not 10 p.m. yet in your area, right?"

"Brother..." Neil's so husky voice then came, but with all kinds of emotions.

Evan froze and asked, "What's going on, Neil? Your voice sounds a little strange, doesn't it?"

Neil took a breath and said with a smile, "Haha, nothing, brother. I know you're coming back, so I'm happy. The two of us haven't seen each other for so many years. How... how have you been?"

Evan said with a smile, "Haha, very good! I'm still alive, and I'm already a Super God. When I get back, I'll be a commander of the Military Headquarters, which Chief Scott has arranged for me. Neil, we Cliffs will be free from worries in the future. Everything is okay in the family, right?"

After Evan finished speaking, the called fell silent. After being silent for a long time, he said with a smile, "Yes, brother, will you arrive in Gotham tonight? I'll prepare a family party to welcome you."

But Evan said, "No need. I'll be going to Cleveque first. When I get there, it must already be the afternoon. I've always heard that Cleveque is now the most economically powerful city in our Dragon Kingdom. I want to go there and take a look. I'll go back to Gotham late tomorrow morning."

Neil said in the same husky voice and with quite mixed feelings, "Okay, brother. Then I'll prepare a family party for you tomorrow at noon."

Evan said with a laugh, "Okay, ask every one of the family to come then. And is Christ, the brat, already married now? He should have been married at this age, right?"

But Evan didn't know something. When he was asking with a laugh, Nei, far in the Cliffs' house in Gotham, looked up at the ceiling with moist eyes but covered his mouth, stopping himself from crying.

But Evan's happy voice kept coming from the phone, "Haha, Neil, do you think the child will blame me, his grandpa? He is married, but I, his grandpa, didn't attend his wedding. By the way, is he married? Does he have children? Boy or girl? I'll give some presents to his children!"

Hearing these words, Neil broke down and shed tears. Forcefully suppressing his emotions, he gritted his teeth and said with a smile, "Yes, brother, Christ... is married and has a daughter... She's very beautiful. A little more than four years old..."

And Evan's laughing voice kept coming, "Okay, that's great! Then I'll have to give my little great-granddaughter good presents when I get back. Let's end the talk. It's not good to make a phone call on the plane. Let's deal with everything when I'm home. I'm also old. I have to sleep now. Don't stay awake, hahaha! Your limbs are old..." Evan laughed and hung up when he finished that.

On the plane, Evan gradually stopped laughing, inhaled deeply, and looked out the porthole, but he had more mixed feelings at the moment. He thought, "My grandson is already married. According to Neil, he also has a very, very beautiful daughter. Is his wife the daughter of the Ramirez family? That girl looks good. Um, when I reach Cleveque, I'll buy some very good gifts for my great-granddaughter. Yes, I'll buy a lot! ... I, her great-grandfather, am so incompetent! ..."

Evan's mind was filled with all kinds of emotions. After all, he had not been back for so many years. Earlier, in order to perform covert missions for the Dragon Kingdom, he had cut off all relations with his family. Now he had accomplished his missions, and he could go back alive...

But what he didn't know was that Neil, far in the Cliffs' house in Gotham, was already tearful. Actually, he had just wanted to tell Evan what had happened to the Cliff family during the five years. But when he heard that Evan was so happy, he had not dared to tell him.

His eldest brother had fought battles for the Dragon Kingdom a whole life without regrets. Now his brother was on the way back to his motherland, so he wanted his brother to be happy for a little more while. Even if it was a joy for one more day, it was good...

"Sorry, brother! When you return tomorrow, you must have a strong heart! ..." Neil thought. He clenched his fists, but lost sleep this night because he could not fall asleep at all.


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