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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 227

Chapter 227 Iwan Cliff and the Senior Elder

"Iwan..." the Senior Elder said in a shaky voice, his face darkening. The cold blast ruffled his gray hair and flicked his face of aging and tiresome.

Standing in the desert in the sand dome several thousand miles from the Elder and facing the cold wind, Iwan turned into silence as hearing the old man's husky and tired voice, and his heart was inundated with flaming rage and overwhelming sorrow. He could never imagine how much pressure this man was enduring that forced him to make that decision.

He was the supreme leader of the Dragon Kingdom but had to lower his head and be silent like this to the dilemma he was facing. Everyone at the airport of Gotham City was staring into the Senior Elder with unyielding spirits in their eyes, no words being brought up. No one wants the Senior Elder himself to lead the fight on the External Battlefield, but if he would, what was the situation?

In ancient times, people would call it that "The emperor leads his troops into battle", the last choice of an emperor when a dynasty was on the verge of death, and he was forced to stand and fight. And that was the path the Dragon Kingdom had to choose right at the moment, and the Senior Elder had to stand up for his Kingdom and fight on the External Battlefield. Everyone at the airport, the whole crew, the warriors of the Military Headquarters, and the personal guards of the Senior Elder, the last strong force of the Kingdom, all felt tears well up in their eyes silently.

Iwan Cliff in the deep desert was also wavering his mind, for this time the rules must be broken no matter if it was he or the Senior Elder who took the move. The consequences would be nastier than everyone thought. Yet, the Senior Elder had no other choice left, and neither did Iwan.

After being quiet for a long while, Iwan Cliff was gazing into the Dragon Kingdom in the South and into the warriors who dedicated themselves to garrisoning the frontier at the southern border.

Iwan spoke to the Senior Elder, "Sir, please stay in Gotham and wait for my news. I've already been on the External Battlefield, and there has to be someone watching the Kingdom."

After Iwan finished his words, the Senior Elder, at the other end of the phone call, worriedly replied, "Stay calm and come back, kid! I don't have much life ahead of me. I'll go to the External Battlefield! Come back! You've got a wife and a little girl! Iwan, you must listen to me and stay put!"

The Senior Elder was worried, but Iwan laughed, and after taking a deep breath, he chuckled, "Sir, I've taken a move already. The news is coming to you soon, and you should prepare for the worst situation. There's no one other than you that can handle what is to come. I'm gonna be okay. Relax. That's it. Stay safe, will you?"

Iwan hung up the phone and took a deep breath after saying so, his eyes reddening and wet.

Distantly, a flock of helicopters flew in Iwan's direction. Under the sand dome, the cold gust wouldn't stop wuthering, making the moment more silent with no words coming out of Teddy Huggins and the warriors nearby.

"Lord Huggins, investigate the coordinates of the reinforcements of the three Military Headquarters on the External Regions!" Iwan asked Teddy Huggins.

Anxiety flashed upon Teddy Huggins' face, and without further thinking, he replied, "You can't go, my lord! Don't be impulsive!"

Iwan shook his head with a smile and, his eyes locking onto the land of the Kingdom, spoke slowly, "It's okay. Are we going to let the Senior Elder himself go if I don't? And then start a more serious war between kingdoms? I'm gonna be fine since I have leveled up so much. Even if some of the old guys want to go hard on me, they can't kill me. Just relax!"

Even though Teddy Huggins could sense the ten-time stronger field in Iwan's body, he shook his head reluctantly, because he knew Iwan's power was not enough. If Iwan did break the rules and destroy the reinforcements of the three Military Headquarters on the External Battlefield, that would be a poke-the-sleeping-dragon act, and some rule keepers with unfathomable force would spare no strength against Iwan. He didn't have the confidence that Iwan could survive that then.

Iwan Cliff noticed Teddy Huggins' concerned eyes and chuckled, "It's fine. Ask Ivy to do the investigation already. Now the Dragon Kingdom is in its most dangerous times, and our brothers are fighting for its existence. I, as the Lord, can't hide, can I? Since there must be someone standing up for everything, why can't it be Iwan Cliff?"

With complexity in his eyes, Teddy Huggins shot a glance at Iwan, and when he was about to say something, Iwan interfered.

"Well... Great! I'll come with you even if the journey means death, my lord!" Teddy Huggins took a deep breath and said. Then he immediately contacted Ivy for digging out the locations of the reinforcements of the three Military Headquarters on the External Battlefield so that he could arrange the fastest and shortest route for Iwan.

When Teddy Huggins went to contact Ivy, Iwan paused a moment watching the landed helicopters, and took out his phone to make a face-time call with Jayna Brown.

Soon, the call connected and Jayna Brown in a white dress showed up on the screen. She was very happy to get the call from Iwan.

Before Iwan could say anything, Jayna Brown said to his husband with a smile, "Honey, are you coming back? The things are done there?" Even her eyes were yearning for his return.


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