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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 228

Chapter 228 Your Husband is the Lord of Heaven Domain!

At the Miller residence in Gotham, Jayna Brown couldn't help but burst into tears after the face-time call with Iwan Cliff disconnected. She was no fool, and when she had been in Cleveque City, she'd known about Kill and Slay, who were Super Gods of Heaven Domain and had been getting along quite well with Iwan.

The fighters of Heaven Domain had all joined the fight against enemies with the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom on the External Battlefield, according to the report she had received the last day. She had been growing an instinct ever since that her husband would absolutely join them and would go to the Battlefield. She was no longer a babe in the woods.

It was quite obvious to her that the top three Military Headquarters in the External Regions had dispatched reinforcements to the Battlefield, consisting of many Emperor-level powerhouses, countless Super Gods, and Gods of War. The Military Headquarters of Dragon Kingdom, in the contrast, didn't have enough men left. The overflow of anxiety of Evan Cliff and Oscar Miller these days solidified her point, and Iwan's claim that he couldn't be back within the day immediately hit her.

She knew exactly where her husband was going and what he was going to do, but she couldn't say anything to persuade Iwan out of it. The words were struck in her throat but none of them could come out.

"Mom, mom, what's the matter? Why are you crying?" Emily, in her mother's arms, reached her little hands to wipe off the tears from her mother's face when seeing her crying.

Jayna Brown, her tears streaming, smiled at her daughter and shook her head, "It's fine. Mom's fine. It's just mom missing dad so much. It's okay, Emily."

"Don't cry, mom. I'm also missing dad so much, and he's gonna be back tomorrow! Mom, did you not hear dad say that he's gonna be back tomorrow? Don't be upset, mom. We are gonna go out for a trip after dad's back, deal?" Emily continued comforting Jayna Brown.

"Yeah..." Jayna Brown embraced Emily firmly, her tears kept streaming, and then she whispered to her daughter's ear, "Your dad's gonna be back. He's gonna be back tomorrow... He's gonna be..."


Meanwhile, at the fully shielded airport of Gotham City, the Senior Elder was standing where he had been, and hundreds of personal guards were standing around him to protect him. He had kept the posture of boarding the plane for half an hour, blankly staring at the stairs unfolding down from the plane. Two strong thoughts were fighting in his head.

One told him he could get in the plane, fly to the External Battlefield, and unleash his innate beast to kill and overthrow the system of External Regions! The other said he needed to stay in the Kingdom to maintain stability, awaiting news from Iwan Cliff.

"Any news from Iwan? Had he already arrived on the External Battlefield?" the Senior Elder asked the nearest guards after a while.

The captain shook his head and replied gruffly, "We have not yet received any news on Lord Cliff's arrival on the Battlefield, sir..."

And right before the captain could finish his sentence, an intelligence agent rushed here from a distance and in a hurry reported to the Senior Elder, "Sir, Iwan Cliff, Lord of Heaven Domain, has requested two Hurricane Fighter Jets from the seventh Military in the north half an hour ago, and the two jets has taken off away from the Kingdom and headed for the deep ocean. Judging by the route they took, he must be heading for the reinforcements of the three Military Headquarters of the External Regions..."

"What? He just left? Are you sure about the information?" the Senior Elder's face darkened at once hearing the news! Iwan Cliff had said on the phone that he'd been on the External Battlefield, but the truth was that he had just taken off...

"Thunder..." the Senior Elder felt his heart and mind go to pieces. He had had a command before that no one from the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom should monitor the whereabouts of Iwan Cliff and every department should offer support to Iwan Cliff. That was why he hadn't known Iwan had been in the deep desert. He had given Iwan his absolute trust, but Iwan'd lied to him, just in case he would have turned impulsive and gone to the External Battlefield.

But Iwan had taken the fastest Hurricane Fighter Jets and gone, seemingly aiming at the reinforcements of the three Military Headquarters of the External Regions. The Senior Elder figured out right away what Iwan was going to do. And it also occurred to him that Iwan had said the Kingdom was facing chaos. He had to stay in the Kingdom!

As the thoughts collided in his mind, the Senior Elder's face kept darkening. He murmured to himself, "This time, the sleeping dragon is gonna be awake..."

"Inform the Nothern Military Headquarters of erasing all the traces of that two Hurricanes! Keep everyone from finding them! Ask everyone that has seen the lord of Heaven Domain in the flesh to sign the highest level NDA! And the rest go back to the headquarters with me! Now!..." the Senior Elder quickly gave a series of commands.

"Yes, sir!" joy went up every warrior's face when they saw the Senior Elder had eventually given up the plan of fighting on the External Battlefield himself. This took a load off their minds as each one of them knew that they might die one day in a war, but the Senior Elder was the last person in the Kingdom that could die fighting on the External Battlefield.

Although the warriors put on joyous expressions, the Senior Elder's face remained serious. His load was still on his mind because few knew about the consequences of Iwan's raid against the powerhouses of the three Military Headquarters of the External Regions, but he knew well. Tearing apart the rules some terrifying old guys had set a long time ago would bring nothing but tremendous trouble, which Iwan Cliff might not even withstand himself...

This thought made the Senior Elder take a deep breath! Chills went up his spine, and a drop of hot tears trickled down his face. The warriors saw the Senior Elder's tear and all froze and shivered.

"S...Sir, isn't it good news that the lord of Heaven Domain went to the External Battlefield? Why... Why are you shedding tears?" The confused captain of the personal guards asked his question.

"Fool! Do you understand what it means? Do you?!" the Senior Elder was infuriated and yelled at everyone in a shaky voice. "You'll never know what he has to sacrifice to do so! You, all the warriors of the Kingdom, and, of course, I owe him a big favor now!!!" The complexity occupied the Senior Elder's eyes.

After the yelling, the Senior Elder looked up at the sky in the west and a pang of sorrow struck his heart. Iwan Cliff had been supporting the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom on the External Battlefield against enemies. On top of that, the whole Heaven Domain joined the battle at the moment, and he was going to risk everything to break the rules and plot a raid on the reinforcements. This act was a violation of the earthly creed already, not to mention the follow-up undescribable dangers that he, as the Senior Elder of Dragon Kingdom, didn't have the confidence to counter unless it was in very difficult times.


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