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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 243

Chapter 243 Senior Elder Came 

"Kill them!" Iwan shouted in his heart. In an instant, the aura on his body condensed to the extreme, and he rushed towards the guardian at the high stage of King level who had rushed to the front. 

If one or two powerhouses at the high stage of King level attacked him, he could run away, but if four, he couldn't. Running would only make him die faster, so it was better to fight with all his might now. 

Iwan collided with the four guardians at the seventh King level who were rushing over from afar. With a loud bang, the guardian who rushed in the front was hit back by Iwan's sword, but then Iwan's body was knocked back by the other three guardians. 

Iwan spat out a mouthful of blood. He couldn't resist them at all. Before Iwan could react, the four guardians appeared in front of him. 

Iwan shouted and waved his sword toward the four guardians. This was the first time he had ever fought against a King level powerhouse, and he had to fight against four. 

Iwan held the long sword tightly in his hand, and a huge shadow of armor appeared behind him. But with a loud bang, the black armor shadow was forcefully exploded by three guardians, and his body was once again thrown out. 

Iwan's combat power was fully activated, but the combat power of the fifth level of Real Emperor was useless. If there were only one of them, Iwan would be fine. But now when the four of them worked together, Iwan, who had already been injured after fighting three times in just half a day, couldn't take it. 

Iwan was in extreme danger. 

"How dare you!" Black Emperor turned around, stopped fighting with Marcus, and rushed towards Iwan. But just as she rushed out a hundred meters away, Marcus appeared above her head. "You can't go!" 

Marcus, who was at the same level as Black Emperor and had the same fighting power, shouted coldly. He chopped Black Emperor's head with the long sword in his hand. 

Black Emperor roared and swung her fist at Marcus' long sword. At the same time, she suddenly smashed the two-meter hammer in her hand toward the four guardians who had besieged Iwan. 

Black Emperor's hammer hit a guardian, and the other three guardians temporarily left Iwan. 

However, Black Emperor's fist was cut by Marcus. Her right fist was bleeding, but she instantly punched Marcus with her left hand, throwing Marcus out. Drops of blood dripped from the right hand of Black Emperor. 

But soon, Marcus rushed towards Black Emperor with his sword again. Meanwhile, he shouted at the four guardians, "Kill him!" 

Black Emperor was blocked by Marcus, and she couldn't help Iwan for a while. The Second Elder, the Third Elder, and the Fourth Elder were also surrounded by the three powerhouses at the seventh King level from External Regions. 

The three powerhouses from the Amerieland, the Eagle Kindom, and the Frach Kingdom looked at each other, and a trace of killing intent flashed across their eyes. 

In this battle, the mortal army had been defeated, and the Emperor level powerhouses had all died. They had suffered great losses. But as long as they could kill Iwan and the three elders of the Dragon Kingdom, they would win. No matter how many mortal troops died, they didn't care. They could start a new round of recruitment and could train Emperor level powerhouses again. 

In fact, they were overjoyed. They thought that they would lose, but they didn't expect that the five guardians of rules would take action. 

"Kill them all!" The King level powerhouse of Amerieland stabbed the Second Elder in the shoulder with a sword and shouted at the other two powerhouses at the high stage of King level and seven powerhouses at the middle stage of King level. 

"That's right. If we kill the three old men, the fortune of the Dragon Kingdom will be undermined." The powerhouse of the Eagle Kindom also shouted and began to attack the Third Elder with all his might. 

On the other side, the powerhouse at the high stage of King level from the Frach Kingdom also began to attack Carl with all his might. Even if he was seriously injured, he had to kill Carl. 

As for the other few battlefields, Teddy had no choice but to return and fight against the seven powerhouses at the middle stage of King level. 

However, no matter which battlefield they were in, Iwan and his men were at a disadvantage now. Even Black Emperor had been injured because she was distracted to save Iwan. Her right hand was now dripping with blood. 

When Black Emperor saw that Iwan was about to lose, she anxiously shouted at Dimitrie, who was fighting against the two powerhouses at the middle stage of King level. "Dimitrie, help Iwan!" 

At this time, Marcus punched Black Emperor again, and blood spilled from the corner of her mouth. With a fierce look in her eyes, she continued to fight with Marcus with bare hands. Even if she lost her hammer, she was still incomparably powerful. Her fists, feet, elbows, knees, and anywhere on her body were all her weapons. However, Marcus was as powerful as her, so no matter how anxious she was, she couldn't get rid of Marcus. 

There was a loud bang on the battlefield of Iwan. The four guardians destroyed the armor that appeared on his body again. After the explosion, it could not be condensed again for a long time. 

A seventh King level guardian stabbed through Iwan's abdomen. 


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