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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 244

Chapter 244 The Dragon Kingdom Has a Great Victory

"Run! Run!" Marcus shouted to Dimitrie, Black Emperor, and the four rule guardians at the seventh stage of the King level before he started to run.

Marcus was now so frightened. What people didn't know was that the powerhouses at the seventh stage of the King level were called the strongest. They usually wouldn't easily show up. The higher level was the 8th stage, at which a practitioner could condense a Gold Body of Momentums! If this Gold Body solidified completely, it would be extremely strong and could be used as the hardest weapon. One at this level would basically not show a faint momentum shadow Iwan would, which could be easily chopped to pieces!

The higher level was the ninth stage, a really powerful stage. If this Gold Body of Momentums kept bulging, it would even turn into a form that could interfere with the outside world, which was called the Holy Image in ancient books and records! In the camp of their rule guardians, those at the ninth stage of the King level were at most Heaven-level guardians! Under the banner of each Heaven-level guardian, there were many Earth-level guardians like Dimitrie and many more Human-level guardians like Marcus.

Marcus also had received information about the strength of the senior elder of the Dragon Kingdom from the Dragon Kingdom. Now the national fortune that had been silent for a century awakened. As one guarding the fortune of the Dragon Kingdom, the senior elder had undoubtedly received huge feedback from the national fortune, so he reached the seventh stage of the King level in a short time! The seventh stage of the King level! With the help of the national fortune, he could perform the terrifying fighting power that only one at the early ninth stage of the King level could!

Undeniably, the early ninth stage was the ninth stage! Its strength was far too strong for Marcus, one at the seventh stage of the King level, to compete with. Unless those ancient terrifyingly strong beings in their base camp showed up. Otherwise, even if they were reinforced by the same numbers as theirs, they could not resist Shelton Hayes, the senior elder of the Dragon Kingdom.

So Marcus was not hesitant at all, and he didn't even want to care about his companions. After a shout, he began to run.

"Run! Run!" The strongest one of the Amerieland Military Headquarters at the seventh stage of the King level changed his expression drastically and roared. Stopping hunting the second elder, he turned and ran. Although he had been hit by the second elder with his palm, he did not care about it.

The next moment, far in the eastern sky, the huge dragon let out an extremely cold sound, "Run? Can you run away?" This was Shelton's voice.

A dragon's clear and grand roar went through the heavens. Shelton, who had just been in the distance, instantly appeared in the air right above Iwan. The senior elder was in a huge black golden dragon-his Holy Image. Then the dragon suddenly went hunting Marcus and his partners.

"Puff..." A loud sound came with a few extremely forlorn screams. The black golden dragon, dozens of meters long, came to the tail of the running party and tore apart the rule guardian at the seventh stage of the King level, and the guardian died on the spot.

"No... kill!" The three rule guardians following Marcus saw the black-golden dragon catch up with them. Seeing that it was impossible to run away, they turned around in desperation to resist, aiming their swords at the claws of the huge dragon.

"Bang!" It was useless. With an explosion, the head of another seventh-stage rule guardian was shattered by the dragon with a hard squeeze.

After that, the dragon flicked its huge tail. In an instant, the two remaining seventh-stage guardians exploded. They exploded alive!

By now, less than half a minute had just passed since the appearance of the senior elder. But the seven rule guardians at the seventh stage of the King-level, superior to all the nations of the world, had been killed by him.

But the senior elder was also hampered by the four rule guardians. Marcus, who had run first, was already 2,000 meters away and was running faster.

In the head of the huge black golden dragon, the senior elder frowned and hit the running Marcus with its palm without touching him.

"Puff." Marcus, who was already 2,000 meters away, spat a mouthful of blood at once. The clothes on his back instantly exploded, with a huge black claw print left on them. He was ashen, but didn't dare to stop at all. Instead, he sped up, running farther.

"Humph!" The senior elder snorted in the dragon's head, stopping the hunt for Marcus. For one thing, Marcus ran too fast; for another, he had already killed four rule guardians. And there were more people to kill on this battlefield!

At the moment, the senior elder saw that the powerhouses at the middle and high stages of the King level, of the Eight Overseas Forces Alliance, were running for life... And the three strongest powerhouses of the Overseas Military Headquarters, who had run the same time as Marcus without hesitation from the very beginning, were now running in three directions.

At super high speed, the senior elder immediately went hunting the powerhouses at the middle stage of the King level of the Eight Overseas Forces Alliance. Undoubtedly, one at the seventh stage of the King level could not stop the senior elder, let alone those below it. Soon a series of explosions came, and screams with extreme unwillingness sounded on this battlefield.

These overseas powerhouses were hit one after another by the senior elder and exploded to dust on the spot!

One... two... four... six... seven! In the end, seven whole powerhouses at the middle stage of the King level were hit by the senior elder and exploded.

After killing all these people, the senior elder moved. The black golden dragon having him inside itself flew away, going to hunt the powerhouse at the seventh stage of the King level of the Amerieland Military Headquarters in the distance.

When the senior elder was showing his great power, continuing to hunt the strongest one of the headquarters, Iwan, who was on the ground, felt his vision turn black. Then the long sword in his hand fell to the ground, and he fell straight back like a board.

The senior elder was here. The people of the Dragon Kingdom would be saved, and none of them would die... but he was exhausted. The last trace of persistence in the bottom of his heart dissipated, and he, Iwan, was finally relieved.

"Boom!" The moment Iwan fell back, Judy Lopez, the second elder, instantly appeared behind him, held him, and looked up, shouting quite anxiously to the senior elder, who was about to hunt the powerhouse of the Amerieland Military Headquarters, "Senior elder, stop hunting, save Iwan! Iwan is dying! Senior elder, save Iwan!"

The second elder was really anxious. If none of them but Iwan died in this battle, they would live in deep guilt for the rest of their lives.


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