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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 246

Chapter 246 Iwan Wakes up (1) 

The mysterious being did not answer the white-veiled lady's question, but gradually dissipated. When it had gone, the lady frowned slightly. Somehow she felt the mysterious being was familiar, but she didn't think further. Instead, she turned and left. 

It was not necessary to go to the headquarters of the rule guardians. She had thought there were only a few powerhouses there, but dozens of very powerful auras now appeared in mid-air over there. Then she knew she could not kill them all with the strength she had now mastered. 

"I killed one. That's a lesson for you, humph! Try and see if you dare to plot against my husband again!" the white-veiled lady snorted. Then she jumped off the mountain peak and disappeared in seconds. 

Not long after the lady disappeared, one Heaven-level rule guardian in the distance came to the spot where she had stood. His strength was at the ninth stage of the King level. He also had received the news about the External Battlefield, so he hurried over. 

"The figure I saw just now is not Shelton Hayes…. but is also a top figure. Who is it?" This rule guardian sensed the aura left by the lady and had a deep frown on his old face behind the mask. Then his eyes turned graver because he could faintly feel the person was stronger than him! 

Apparently, this peerless powerhouse did not like them, the rule guardians. He could feel it because the person had killed Marcus with a sword. 

When he looked at their ruined headquarters in the distance and the dozens of powerful figures in the air, his eyes turned even graver. 

"Not one, but two! Two extremely powerful beings! Do they have relations with Shelton Hayes or the Lord of the Heaven Domain that takes the Real Emperor path? Anyway, we're in trouble, we're in serious trouble…" The rule guardian at the ninth stage of the King level was astonished and so worried. 


In the air over their destroyed headquarters, the dozens of Heaven-level rule guardians were also astonished. 

After a long while, an obviously more powerful Heaven-level guardian looked down with a heavy heart at the headquarters that had been banged into ruins. He said slowly, "Let's end the battle! No one is allowed to meddle in again!" 

"End? What about the Lord of the Heaven Domain that takes the Real Emperor path? Should we continue to hunt him down? another Hevan-level rule guardian asked. 

The most powerful rule guardian who had spoken earlier said, "Huh, hunt him down? If you're not afraid of being killed, you may go… We'll think about it later. Even if we want to hunt him down, we can't do it now. And the Real Emperor path is a dead end. From ancient to modern times, no one has ever reached the end of it. The Lord of the Heaven Domain is amazing. Yet, to reach the end of the path, hah… basically impossible." 

Then he turned and walked off into the distance. While walking, he mumbled, "The Real Emperor path! Can anyone really reach the end of it? There is no way ahead! No! …" 


After two mysterious strong beings warned them, these rule guardians discussed it and had to end the battle. The reason was simple. The final rule of the world was just like this. You had to endure it if others were stronger than you. Besides, before they found out the origins of the two beings, they would not make a rash act again. 

When these rule guardians had given up on hunting Iwan down, a group of strong powerhouses at the high stage of the King level appeared in the great hall of a ruined, deserted academy in the Dragon Kingdom. They were all practitioners of the higher Immortal Forces in the kingdom. 

Looking at the ruins and dilapidated gate and smelling the thick blood in the air, these powerhouses were worried and helpless with mixed feelings. 

"Alas… Spiritual Cave has been destroyed. The force we sent out to keep this mundane dynasty at bay is gone. What are you going to do next, guys?" one of the powerhouses at the eighth stage of the King level said. 

Another powerhouse of an Immortal Force thought about it and said, "We'll see. The national fortune of the Dragon Kingdom has awakened. I guess you know what the awakening of national fortune means! National fortune has rarely awakened over the thousands of years!" 

"That's true. In history, each time national fortune awakened, a strong dynasty would appear. Do you think the current dynasty Dragon Kingdom can reach the level of an ancient dynasty?" another powerhouse at the high stage of the King level of an Immortal Force said. 

"Don't know, but this incident happened so suddenly. Spiritual Cave was destroyed. This might be God's will. Now the national fortune of the Dragon Kingdom has awakened. With its help, the elders of the Dragon Kingdom, Carl Addison, Lewis King, and Judy Lopez, can be as strong as those powerhouses at the seventh stage of the King level. More importantly, with its help, Shelton Hayes, the senior elder of the Dragon Kingdom, can reach the ninth stage of the King level!" 

"Now the top fighters of the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters can be as strong as any one of us Immortal Forces that have been passed down for thousands of years. Alas, let's think it over carefully. I hope nothing like the confrontation between the previous dynasties and sects happens again." 

"Well… hold the Immortal Force Assembly. And let's negotiate with the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters after the assembly." 




Instantly, these strong powerhouses of the Immortal Forces reached an agreement. After that, they moved and disappeared on the spot. 


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