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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 245

Chapter 245 I'm Iwan Cliff

Subtitle: Shelton Hayes is Emperor Victory? Iwan Cliff is Haig? Jayna is Christina? The deal made that year? The mysterious Darcy Miller? It is the end and the new beginning!

The world seemed quiet at the moment. Did the Dragon Kingdom... win this battle? The answer was yes. Earlier, Iwan came with dozens of Emperor-level powerhouses from above and won the Emperor-level battle. During the King-level battle, Shelton Hayes, the senior elder of the Dragon Kingdom, arrived in the form of a huge dragon and killed those rule guardians and the seven powerhouses at the middle stage of the King level from the eight overseas military headquarters. The two battle results showed that the Dragon Kingdom won! And it was a great victory!

But Iwan, who had sacrificed everything for this battle, was now seriously wounded and dying. Because of this, the more than 10,000 soldiers on this overseas battlefield-hundreds of Super God-level powerhouses, almost 100 Emperor-level powerhouses, and dozens of King-level powerhouses-didn't feel even the slightest joy.

Instead, their eyes were all wet. The senior elder's eyes were so red, a hot tear running down his cheek. He got up and bowed low to Iwan.

The moment the senior elder bowed, the second elder Judy Lopez, the third elder Lewis King, the fourth elder Carl Addison, and the four old generals on the overseas battlefield-Steve Morris, Bryant Darnell, Terry Liam, and Brandon Turne-also bowed.

They had to bow this time. If Iwan had not gambled on everything including the whole Heaven Domain and his own life, if he had not traveled for tens of thousands of miles and wiped out the reinforcements of the top three overseas military headquarters more than two hours ago, and if he had not destroyed Spiritual Cave, forcing the Sky Sect to take sides, then the national fortune of the Dragon Kingdom would not have awakened. In the end, if he had not hurried over to the battlefield without taking a rest, come down with dozens of Emperor-level powerhouses from above, and persuaded those powerhouses of the Dark Night Organization, No. 1 team of the External Killer Group on the External Battlefield, and God of War Sect, would they have won this battle?

The answer was no. But all of them were now still alive! The four old generals of the Dragon Kingdom had gone through life and death many times, but they were not dead yet. And now, when the great battle was over, they, who had mighty momentums, suddenly reached the King level and continued to rise to the third stage of the King level, the peak stage of the early King level!

With the help of the national fortune, the second elder Judy and the third elder Lewis had reached the middle stage of the King level and the peak of the sixth stage of the King level respectively! And the senior elder had indeed risen to the higher stage of the King level, the level one at the peak of the seventh stage of the King level could reach! With the national fortune, he could reach the ninth stage of the King level, the degree of a Holy Image powerhouse!

One would easily find out: The Dragon Kingdom, which the peerless powerhouses including the senior elder guarded, was much stronger than it had been; from now on, it could directly match those old military headquarters: Amerieland Military Headquarters, Eagle Kingdom Military Headquarters, Frach Kingdom Military Headquarters, and Great Bear Military Headquarters. It was now not much weaker than them in strength!

The Dragon Kingdom would have a much brighter future! This battle was a great victory in every sense! A great victory!

But Iwan, the Lord of the Heaven Domain and the most important person in this battle, was seriously wounded and dying after he had traveled a long distance without a pause and fought one battle after another. At this moment, numerous people shed tears, and the four seniors including Steve Morris and Bryant Darnell even wished to replace him to die.

"It's all my fault! My fault! I was useless! Damn God! If you want to take someone away, take me away!" Steve Morris, the old general on the External Battlefield, looked up and roared, tears running down his old face. Iwan Cliff, the best young man of the Dragon Kingdom and the one he had never met until now, sent him a jar of good wine...

Watching the medical workers on the battlefield trying their best to save Iwan, who only had the last breath, Bryant Darnell, Terry Liam, and Brandon Turner opened their mouths a couple of times and cried.

Then the three old generals couldn't help but remember the scene where Iwan saw them off at the gate of the Roxanne family house a few days ago.

A few days ago, Iwan picked up a bowl of wine and said to the three old men with laughs, "Hahaha, sirs, I've prepared good wine to see you off. I hope you return with a victory... Let's drink... Hahaha..."

At that moment, Iwan looked so handsome and sunny with a heart of great love.

But the handsome and outstanding young man was dying with serious wounds because of them, the old guys.

"Young man... you're the best young man in our Dragon Kingdom. Hold, you must hold, hold... you must!" The three old men trembled, hot tears flooding down their faces. Yeah, Steve was right. If someone had to sacrifice for this great victory, they strongly hoped that they, who were too old to live for too long, were the dying, not Iwan!

"Why... why, Domain Lord? Why is it you?! Why! No... no..." Ivy was weeping hysterically at Iwan's leg.

"Lord of the Heaven Domain... Iwan Cliff..." At the moment, those Emperor-level powerhouses of the Immortal Forces-Spiritual Cave, Sky Sect, God of War Sect, and Heaven Force-looked at Iwan dying with serious wounds, admiring him sincerely and deeply.

"Lord of the Heaven Domain, such a peerless figure..." Marlon Duncan, Head of the Duncan family, and Osmond Zachary, Head of the Zachary family, both watched Iwan quietly from the distance.

The next moment, War, standing in front of the powerhouses of the God of War Sect, said to the powerhouses of the sect behind him, "You... you've always wanted to meet my brother, haven't you? This... this is my brother! This is the one I admire the most in my life!"

After War finished that, the powerhouses of the God of War Sect were shocked and silent.

The Chief of the Dark Night Organization patted Dark hard on the shoulder.


They had won a great battle, but those rule guardians showed up. As soon as they appeared, they went to kill Iwan! In fact, he had been exhausted when those rule guardians were to kill him.

Today, after coming out of the pass of the Northern Desert, he had traveled tens of thousands of miles to annihilate the reinforcements of those overseas forces and then returned to the Dragon Kingdom to eradicate Spiritual Cave and force the Sky Sect. After that, he had traveled 10,000 miles without rest to the External Battlefield to join the decisive battle.

He had not taken a good rest before he joined the four fierce battles one after another, which had consumed all his energy.

He was now lying quietly on the ground, his breathing quite weak. He... was so tired, so tired, more tired than anyone... Now he was just... just... asleep as if he wanted to have a good rest. God also seemed to think this way, wanting him to have a sound sleep.


At the same moment in the Dragon Kingdom, numerous people were watching the senior, second, third, and fourth elders, these old generals on the External Battlefield, and the more than 10,000 living soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom. They saw these people bow low to Iwan, who was lying unconscious in the center of them.

They were instantly shocked. They had just been overjoyed about the great victory, but they were all astonished now.

"Who... who is he?" People from different places in the Dragon Kingdom asked this question involuntarily.

"Lord of the Heaven Domain? What is the Heaven Domain? Is it an organization of our Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters? But that doesn't seem to be... that person, that person named Iwan Cliff. Who... who on earth is he?"


Countless people in the Dragon Kingdom were quite shocked while watching the scenes on the battlefield.

They remembered that Iwan had just come down with a group of powerhouses from above and gathered the top forces on the External Battlefield to fight the battle for the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters. They saw all the scenes.

"How heroic! How charismatic!" Large numbers of people in the Dragon Kingdom were again shocked by what Iwan had done.

When they saw such a hero dying, their eyes turned red.



Some sensitive women in the cities in the Dragon Kingdom were in tears because they all remembered. Someone beside Iwan seemed to have just called him, saying that his wife and daughter were waiting for him in the kingdom.

"That man also has a wife and daughter. I think his daughter must be very young. He must hold! He must! Because you're... a peerless hero!" Numerous females of the Dragon Kingdom were now praying for Iwan in their hearts.


At the same moment in the headquarters of Morgan Group, all the workers of the group were stunned by the scene on the battlefield. Their president, the legendary figure of Cleveque, was also an amazing, unmatched hero on the battlefield!

"Brother Cliff..." Zora was also in tears, staring at the screen.

"Iwan Cliff..." Scarlett, Jayna's best friend, was also shocked, two trickles of tears running down her cheeks like torrents. In fact, when Iwan had returned from the External Battlefield and come to see Jayna, she had been moved by him many times. Every time she felt she had seen him through, she found she had not. Iwan had shocked her a lot every time.

"Jayna, your husband... is really... a... peerless hero... Iwan, Jayna and Emily are both waiting for you. You have to bear up. Jayna, you also have to..." Scarlett shed hot tears.

She knew Jayna loved Iwan very much. Although Iwan had just been back for less than three months, she clearly knew how much Jayna loved Iwan!

Then, Zora, eyes swollen and tearful, said to Scarlett, whose eyes were also swollen, "Sister Mond, let's rush to Gotham and see Sister Brown! I'm afraid she will break down."

The two of them had been shocked to such an extent after seeing that, let alone Iwan's wife Jayna, the woman who loved him the most.

"Okay, let's rush to Gotham. Let's go now. Quickly..." Scarlett took Zora's arm and ran outside.


Now, in the meeting room on the top floor of Morgan Group, Dawson Gill, Eden Addison, Lucas Mond, and Blake Nelson, the four business tycoons, also had tears in their eyes. They mumbled, "Lord..."

Then the four astonished men also headed for Gotham without hesitation, ignoring the business of Morgan Group.

Three months ago, Iwan held a Grand Wedding for Jayna and himself in Pasoland, a city in the central area of the Dragon Kingdom. The video about the wedding site, which had been banned back then, was now being spread super-fast to the whole Dragon Kingdom. In the video, Jayna, beautifully dressed and wearing a ten-meter-long white wedding dress, was walking toward Iwan from one end of the red carpet.

Many of the people of the Dragon Kingdom also saw the peerless hero dying on the External Battlefield. The scene of the wedding held in the Dragon Kingdom three months ago... At the moment, everyone who saw the video wept again.


Quedy, a city in the central region of the Dragon Kingdom, was the one Iwan had visited when he returned to the Dragon Kingdom for the first time. Now at the No. 1 Hospital of Quedy, the female expert doctor, who had been tied up and taken to Lakeside Villa at midnight to treat Emily by Warrior No.1 and his companions, was so moved after recognizing Iwan on the big screen. Then she couldn't help but think of the scene three months ago.

The man who returned from the External Battlefield after hearing his daughter being bullied, the man who lost consciousness on the spot but stood straight with his unconscious daughter tightly held in his arms...

But when she broke Iwan and his daughter free with much difficulty, Iwan, who had been unconscious for more than two hours, woke up and talked to her with a smile. Now she thought of that.

"Doctor, is... is my daughter really okay? Oh, oh... thank you very much, thank you very much..."

Now, when she remembered what Iwan had said to her three months ago, she opened her mouth a few times but could not utter a word. Back then, she was surprised to know he also had a young daughter. He was obviously a big hero on the battlefield, but he was very careful and smiled a little stupidly when facing his daughter.

"Come on! Your daughter's waiting for you..." the female doctor said to the unconscious Iwan on the screen with mixed feelings and touched emotions.


Now, hundreds of helicopters were flying over from the distant sky over the External Battlefield after those field surgeons basically bandaged Iwan.

Then these helicopters slowly landed, and the four old generals of the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters carried the stretcher in person, taking him to a helicopter. And the soldiers, so red-eyed, who had come out of the hundreds of helicopters saluted Iwan who was lying on the stretcher.

Soon the senior and second elders, the four old generals of the Dragon Kingdom, the Four Masters of Heaven, Black Emperor, and Ivy boarded the biggest helicopter with two propellers along with Iwan. The helicopter took off, then these helicopters loaded with the most elite fighters of the Dragon Kingdom also ascended, escorting Iwan's huge helicopter.


The elders of the Dragon Kingdom on the helicopter were silent, and so was everyone else. After a long time, the senior elder opened his mouth a couple of times before whispering, "Tell those in Gotham to welcome the return of Iwan with the highest standard! Tell the best doctors there to gather at the Millers' house. No, call in all the best doctors across the country to congregate at the house..."

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements," the second elder Judy nodded and said.

The senior elder took a deep breath and looked out the window with great agony at the eastern sky in the distance.

The helicopter went through the thick black clouds slowly, and a crystal clear sky came into view. A ray of soft sunlight came through the window, reaching Iwan's body and face. The sunlight was neither cold nor hot. It was so warm...


Half an hour later, martial law was enforced on Gotham of the Dragon Kingdom. All flights were canceled, and all roads were blocked. The handsome guards of honor of the Dragon Kingdom at the airport were ready to perform, waiting for the return of the hero.

The road from the Gotham Airport to the Miller family house was lined with the most elite soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom, the most handsome soldiers with sabers at their waists. And the two sides of the road were already crowded with people. Although there were at least more than two hours to go before Iwan returned, millions of people were packed on both sides of the road, waiting for Iwan to come back, simply because they wanted to pay their tributes to their hero!

Now all the top expert doctors in Gotham were already heading for the Millers' house with the world's most advanced medical instruments, their eyes red. Among them were some gray-haired experts who had long retired. But now they had put on their medical coats again, rushing toward the Millers' house.


While Iwan was coming home by private helicopter, Jayna was unconscious in bed in her room, and Emily, who had cried for a long time, finally fell asleep. But she was in another room.

But no one knew that the unconscious Jayna now suddenly had a lot of scenes in her brain, but they were not her memories.

She was standing in white at the gate of an extremely antique large mansion, waiting for her peerless husband to return.

More and more such scenes appeared.

"Christina... it's okay. I'm back. I told you no one in this world can kill me. I am Haig..."

"Okay, I believe in you! You're the great hero of the kingdom and the general guarding the country. You're the most excellent, and I'm your Christina for life!"


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