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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 274

Chapter 274 Step Aside for The Grand Celebration of Dragon Kingdom!!!

Right now, the national fortune in the Dragon Pond of Gotham City, the most mysterious power of the Dragon Kingdom which had awakened and was overflowing after a hundred years of dreariness, had all gone. Yes, all national fortune had been absorbed by the elders more than ten days ago.

With the awakening of national fortune, people in nine lands of the Dragon Kingdom gained stronger faith. Therefore, although the national fortune in the Dragon Pond was once again wasted, it was surging at a faster speed, and it wouldn't take long to fill the Dragon Pond again.

And this time, the elders were using up the national fortune for a great event! If they succeeded, they would be able to protect the Dragon Kingdom for a century! Therefore, they had to do everything to strengthen themselves!

Since the senior elder and Judy came back from Green Mountain Sect three days ago, they began to cultivate in seclusion for three whole days! And they used substitutes to take care of things in the outside world.

Then, the Senior Elder took a deep breath and released his aura of peak level-seven King. He was almost able to officially break through the level-eight King! But even so, being the central pillar of the Dragon Kingdom with the support of national fortune, the Senior Elder was able to give full play to his combat power at the middle or late stage of level-nine King. His combat power was more than doubled when he went to rescue people in the External Battlefield a dozen days ago!

"Boom!" Judy, the Second Elder, also burst out the aura at the preliminary stage of level-seven King. And with the help of national fortune, he was able to use the strength of peak level-eight King. Maybe he was not as strong as those at level-nine King, but that was enough for him!




Both the Third Elder and the Fourth Elder exuded the aura of level-seven King, that was the aura of King-level upgrading to powerhouse, and with the national fortune inside them, they became gold-body powerhouses at level-eight King.

The Second Elder looked at the Senior Elder and said, "Brother, you have given us too much national fortune, but we have only risen to level-seven King. You should use all of it. In this way, you can have the combat power of peak level-seven King, your power will be comparable with that of the Master of Green Mountain Sect, and we will have a better chance of winning..."

After he finished talking, Lewis King and Carl Addison also looked at the Senior Elder seriously. In fact, they had tried to persuade the Senior Elder to use all the national fortune three days ago, but he did not listen. Instead, he distributed half, or even six or seven percent of the national fortune to them so that they could reach a higher level.

However, the Senior Elder shook his head and said, "There's no hurry. If our national fortune has been awakened, the energy in the Dragon Pond will be overflowing again. And the stronger our national fortune is, the more energy in the Dragon Pond will be. That being said, our improvement will be barrier-free..."

As he spoke, he looked grim. He took a deep breath again, looked at the three elders seriously, and said, "We've got to make it work this time! The national fortune of other kingdoms in the external regions has been awakened earlier than us! We have been late for a hundred years. Therefore, in the Military Headquarters of other kingdoms, there must be someone who have the strength of level-nine King and is qualified to enter Z8 Alliance in a short time..."

"So, we have to go all out in this battle. Six hours later, it will be our grand celebration, and all the great dynasties and forces in the world will gather in the Military Headquarters of Dragon Kingdom. What we need to do is to destroy at least one or two of their headquarters and cut off their national fortune before they can do anything! We must make sure that eight External Military Headquarters can no longer unite to suppress us for decades, or even hundreds of years! "

Then, the Senior Elder with powerful aura stood up, showing his great courage and determination. He took a deep breath again and said in an extremely serious tone, "Everyone, do your best!"

"Yes!!!" Judy Lopez, the Second Elder, Lewis King, the Third Elder, and Carl Addison, the Fourth Elder, stood up and replied.

Then they followed the Senior Elder and left the Dragon Pond as fast as they could. When they were gone, a spurt of milky white national fortune air burst from the eight spring openings of the Dragon Pond again...

At night, hundreds of soldiers of the Military Headquarters of Dragon Kingdom in coat armor were holding the signal light and guiding the four most advanced invisible combat air-crafts on the parking apron behind the Senior Elder's mansion to take off...

Then, the four elders got on the same combat air-craft and headed to the distance in darkness with a rumbling sound...

"Salute!" When the aircraft took off, the soldiers stood straight on the ground and saluted toward direction in which they left...

They didn't know where the elders were going because this was a highly confidential action. But they all knew that the four strongest powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom were going to fight again. On the day of grand celebration, they would fight for the a brighter future for the kingdom!!!


At two o'clock in the morning, it was still dark in Dragon Kingdom, but the soldiers of the Military Headquarters had already begun to work on the streets of Gotham City.

Due to the time difference, most of the places in the Dragon Kingdom were still at night. However, in the External Regions tens of thousands of miles away, it was already daytime. Today was destined to be a day that the whole world would remember. It was the 80th anniversary grand celebration of the Dragon Kingdom! Moreover, the celebration would be held with the great victory in the External Battlefield half a month ago. Therefore, every force in the world was focusing on Dragon Kingdom.

(Dear readers, to save you from some unnecessary trouble, I will change the names of all the Military Headquarters. The Amerieland Military Headquarters is replaced with Lion Military Headquarters, the Eagle Kingdom Military Headquarters is replaced with Iron Eagle Military Headquarters, and the Frach Kingdom Military Headquarters is replaced with Silver Snake Military Headquarters! Once again, I declare that the story is completely made up. Any resemblance to actual individuals or events are coincidental."

There were only six hours left before the grand celebration of Dragon Kingdom, and every war zone was making preparation intensively. Similarly, the three top Military Headquarters and five small Military Headquarters in the west were also crazily lurking in the dark, trying to overturn or destroy this grand celebration...

It was nine o'clock in the morning, a group of heavily armed generals of three top Military Headquarters rushed towards the conference room of the Lion Kingdom Military Headquarters. Everyone looked extremely serious and gathered as fast as they can without saying a single word.

However, their hurried footsteps obviously demonstrated that their mood had been completely messed up today.

Five minutes later, the Z8 Alliance composed of hundreds of members of the Lion Kingdom Military Headquarters, Iron Eagle Military Headquarters, Silver Snake Military Headquarters, and the other five middle and small Military Headquarters gathered in the combat conference room of the Lion Kingdom Military Headquarters. All of them were tall and strong, and even the weakest of them was powerhouse at the level of Super God. But at this moment, they all looked grim, and the entire room was filled with a cold and murderous atmosphere.


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