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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 275

Chapter 275 Storm Was Coming 

"Besides killing Iwan Cliff and destroying the whole Heaven Domain, what more should we do in today’s grand celebration?" William, the King-level commander in chief of Iron Eagle Military Headquarters, asked Quark. 

A hint of viciousness flashed through Quark’s eyes. At this moment, the projection of Iwan Cliff in the Lion Kingdom Military Headquarters slowly dissipated and was replaced by the scene of Gotham City. Although it was still dark over there, the central streets were already brightly lit. 

Squinting at the screen, Quark said, "Haha… Sure, we need to do something. Tell our men on the External Battlefield to attack the new legion of the Dragon Kingdom. We suffered a great loss combined last time, but if we split it, it was still acceptable to us. After all, we have taken down their entire elite legion..." 

"Okay..." William nodded slowly with a gleam in his eyes. He agreed with Quark because the national fortune of Dragon Kingdom had risen too fast recently to the extent of scaring them… 

Then, Louis XIII, the King-level commander in chief of Silver Snake Military Headquarters also asked, "Anything else?" 

Quark looked at Louis XIII, who, although wearing armor, still looked handsome and attractive, "Of course. Louis XIII, do something you are good at, such as ganging up with the Immortal Force in the Dragon Kingdom. You know that we are not the only one who fears the development of the Dragon Kingdom now. Don’t forget the nine super powerful sects in their region..." 

"The Dragon Kingdom did a good job of hiding its actual strength. I believe if the powerhouses of their nine sects are of one mind, then even our Military Headquarters would have to fail, and it would require all the ancient councilors of the Lion Kingdom to come out to defeat them. But we won’t let that happen..." 

After these words, both Quark and Louis XIII looked at each other with evil smiles. They understood that not all sects in the region of Dragon Kingdom would support the Military Headquarters of Dragon Kingdom. After all, in the ancient history of the Dragon Kingdom, when dynasties became powerful and prosperous, they were bound to eradicate some sects that robbed the national fortune, such as the two great dynasties thousand years ago. 

Back then, when the two great dynasties were established on the land of the Dragon Kingdom, no force in the kingdom and not even the entire world dared to compete with them. The two mighty emperors were invincible, and no one could fight against them… 

"Okay, I will take care of it. I believe... that someone in the Dragon Kingdom is willing to make a move. Haha, if we can weaken their national fortune on the day of their grand celebration, we will achieve more than just winning a battle. Haha..." As Louis XIII was speaking, his eyes revealed coldness… 

"Let's do it. Our top three Military Headquarters will take the lead, and the five small Military Headquarters will support us. Don't worry, we will definitely succeed this time..." Quark took a deep breath with a slight smile because he was sure that no one could stop them and their furious brothers-in-arms! 


However, no one in the conference room would have thought that when they were having this meeting, the four Elders of Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom and the Lord of Heaven Domain, Iwan Cliff, had already come to them and were ready to ambush… 

That was right. The best defense was to attack! In previous times, Dragon Kingdom was weak, and its national fortune didn’t awake, so they had to resort to passive defense, like the battle on the External Battlefield about ten days ago. But this time, they were taking the initiative!!! 

The cloaked senior generals of Dragon Kingdom, Bryant Darnell, Terry Liam, and Brandon Turner had once again stepped into the External battlefield at 4 o’clock in the morning after more than half a month, with several secret powerhouses at Emperor level behind. Right now, the national fortune of the Dragon Kingdom had been awakened and burst for more than half a month, so over ten powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom had been promoted to the Emperor level. 

Ten minutes later, the four senior generals of the Dragon Kingdom, who had fought side by side last time, gathered again in Steve Morris’s secret basement. But this time, their hearts were full of confidence and supreme fighting will. 

Steve Morris looked at everyone at present and said, "I've heard that under the leadership of Lion Kingdom Military Headquarters, Iron Eagle Military Headquarters, and Silver Snake Military Headquarters, the Z8 Alliance will launch a surprise attack a few hours later on our grand celebration and weaken our national fortune..." 

Hearing his words, Bryant Darnell, Terry Liam, and Brandon Turner looked extremely serious. Although this battle would be completely different from the previous one and they were much stronger than before, if the Dragon Kingdom suffered a crushing defeat during the 80th anniversary live grand celebration, their national fortune would be damaged again. 

All senior generals who had fought for the Dragon Kingdom for their whole lives, the tens of millions of soldiers, and the hundreds of millions of people in the whole kingdom would never accept such failure! 

After taking a deep breath, Steve Morris said in a deep voice, "Everyone, every external force is trying to destroy our kingdom, so we must keep vigilant all the time! And a few hours later, we are going to tackle the greatest difficulty..." 

"Steve, we understand! Just give us your order and we will do as you say!" Terry Liam was impatient. 

But the next moment, Steve Morris shook his head and said, "No... You don't understand. You don't realize how dangerous it is. Once we fail, we will probably become the sinners of the kingdom..." 

"What?" Hearing his words, the three senior generals were stunned. Bryant Darnell frowned deeply and asked, "Steve, what's going on?" 

Steve Morris said with a serious face, “The Dragon Kingdom… is without protection…” 

"What? Steve, are you saying that the soldiers outside…" As soon as Steve finished his words, Brandon Turner suddenly turned to look at the soldiers outside who were gathering secretly and raised the question. When they arrived at the External Battlefield, they felt weird because the soldiers outside were filled with unusual toughness and coldness. Therefore, when they heard Steve’s words, they seemed to realize something. 

Steve nodded and said, "Yes. I have replaced the one hundred thousand soldiers outside. They are... the most elite frontier corps from the four borderlands of the Dragon Kingdom. I'm sorry that I didn’t tell you before..." 

"The borderland troops!" Although the three senior generals had guessed it, they were still shocked when they heard what Steve said. Indeed, Dragon Kingdom was without protection now. The fighting capacities of the frontier corps from the four borderlands were not much weaker than that of the external legion. 


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