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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 276

Chapter 276 A Storm Is Coming! Many Countries Attend the Celebration

At 5 a.m. Gotham time at the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters, Rendon took a deep breath, put on his combat uniform and boots, tied the saber to his waist, and came to the outside of the Military Headquarters. Now two inspection vehicles were parked in front of him.

He looked up at the distant sky that was going bright and then at the area in the west for a while.

"Senior elder, are... you people ready? It.... is almost dawn." Rendon mumbled inwardly. Although he was more or less worried, he looked perfectly calm. He was now the supreme commander of the Dragon Kingdom. Anyone could be flustered, but he could not! What outsiders didn't know was that the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters was already empty! Now he was the only powerhouse of it in the kingdom.

Then four people appeared behind him. Their dressing styles and looks were almost the same as those of the senior, second, third, and Carl, but they were fake ones-the doubles! The four disguised old men looked at Rendon deeply and nodded at him imperceptibly.

Rendon nodded and saluted them. Then the five people got in the war chariots, heading for the central axis of Gotham.

At 5:30 Gotham time, the sky over the city was brighter. The day... was to break. Now at the parade square in the center of the axis, large teams of soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters were already standing quietly in front of the huge flag pole. Everyone looked very serious, standing straight and still.

Far away from the soldiers, the people who had hurried over to attend the great celebration from around the Dragon Kingdom yesterday were sitting quietly on the sides of the square. Farther than that, many army arrays were standing silently!

Martial law had been enforced in Gotham. Everyone was waiting for the great celebration to begin.

Now it was only two hours before the start of the celebration. Yet, hundreds of millions of people across the Dragon Kingdom were already waiting for the military parade to begin.

All the people were waiting quietly.


At the same moment, the senior elder Shelton Hayes, the second elder Judy Lopez, the third elder Lewis King, and the fourth elder Carl Addison, all in black robes, had quietly landed on a coastline of the Atlantic Ocean tens of thousands of miles away. And two hours away from here was the Spaza Kingdom Military Headquarters!

Yes, their target this time was the Spaza Kingdom Military Headquarters! If things went smoothly, they would first destroy the Spaza Kingdom Military Headquarters and then the nearby Poghu Kingdom Military Headquarters as fast as they could!

This was such a confidential plan that even the four old generals including Steve Morris on the External Battlefield were not very clear about it. Steve just knew the senior elder and his team had secretly left the Dragon Kingdom, but he didn't know where they had exactly gone! This showed the importance of this operation.

Wearing a black mask, the senior elder inhaled deeply and looked up in the direction of the Spaza Kingdom Military Headquarters, thinking, "Hope... everything goes smoothly! Hope the national fortune of the Dragon Kingdom protects us! Though we're old, let's fight for a good future for the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Let's go!" The senior elder growled and disappeared on the spot. Then the second, third, and fourth elders disappeared after him.

A few minutes later, a team of soldiers came over for a patrol. Led by a God of War, they stayed for a while in the place where the senior elder and his men had been, but did not find anything.

At the same moment in the best seclusion chamber of the Spaza Kingdom Military Headquarters, a blue-eyed old man with golden hair and a hooked nose suddenly opened his eyes. He had an aura of one at the seventh stage of the King level. He was the chief of the current Spaza Kingdom Military Headquarters and a peerless powerhouse who, with the help of national fortune, could perform the power of one at the early seventh stage of the King level for a short time.

But the peerless powerhouse frowned deeply and mumbled, "Why do I feel like something is wrong? Did something happen again?"

Then he video-called the commander of the headquarters. Yet, the commander, far in the Lion Kingdom Military Headquarters, told him everything was fine. He said that the top eight military headquarters were mobilizing troops on the External Battlefield, going to attack the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters, and that nothing bad would happen.

"Okay, then it seems I think too much, but you must work out a good plan this time. Don't repeat the same mistake!" The chief hung up as soon as he finished that. Then he massaged his temples, frowned, and continued to close his eyes to seclude.

True, the Spaza Kingdom Military Headquarters had suffered a stunning defeat last time on the External Battlefield, resulting in some losses of its national fortune. The chief could clearly sense that. Under such circumstances, he could only perform the fighting power of one at the ninth stage of the King level, and it was not stable. This was a very dangerous situation. His premonition was getting stronger, but he thought it was the result of national fortune losses, so he didn't think further, but continued to seclude to improve himself.

"A storm is coming... The future is unpredictable." The chief at the seventh stage of the King level mumbled in his head. The room turned dark, and he... continued his seclusion.


Tens of thousands of miles away from the Spaza Kingdom Military Headquarters where the senior elder and his team were, a person in a fine suit was walking down the street quietly in the capital city of the Canedy Kingdom Military Headquarters. No different from ordinary people, a group of people seemed to be heading for the Canedy Kingdom Military Headquarters.

These disguised intruders were the soldiers of the Heaven Domain-almost a hundred Super Gods including Warrior No. 1. The Canedy Kingdom Military Headquarters and even the nearby Lion Kingdom Military Headquarters had never dreamed the Heaven Domain and its lord Iwan Cliff that they wanted to wipe out were now... right in front of them!

Iwan had no idea about the senior elder and his team's specific target, but could more or less guess something. The senior elder and his team had probably gone to the west, so he had come to the east with almost a hundred top powerhouses of the Heaven Domain. The Canedy Kingdom Military Headquarters also had suffered huge losses in the last battle, with lots of its top Super Gods and Emperor-level powerhouses killed. Although it had brought in some powerhouses from its different areas, it was much weaker than before.

The key was that its commander had gone to the Lion Kingdom Military Headquarters for a meeting with almost half of its top powerhouses.

It was getting dark over the Canedy Kingdom Military Headquarters. Not far away in a tall building, Iwan was standing quietly at the window, watching the headquarters building. Narrowing his eyes slightly, he checked the time and mumbled, "There are still two hours..."


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