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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 315

Chapter 315 Battle Preparation 

Heaven Domain had been standing on the External Battlefield for just five years at the very most, accumulating way less than those organizations with an old name, such as Archfield Organization which they had wrecked half a year ago, Broken Valley where Sullivan was, Dark Night Organization where Dark had been born, and Killer Group One that had been witnessing the whole history of the External battlefield. Heaven Domain was just a five-year-old compared to those established forces! 

Nevertheless, being young was the main feature of the Domain's warriors. Iwan Cliff, Lord of Heaven Domain who single-handedly found the force, was young, the Black Emperor was young, the Four Masters were Young, guards like Warrior No.1 were young, and the three thousand warriors were all young. All of them and the domain had plenty of potential. 

Since its foundation, Heaven Domain had been developing so fast that no organization could press it down. Those who had planned to attack Heaven Domain were either doomed or oppressed eventually. 

That was because each warrior of Heaven Domain, be he the Lord himself, one of the Four Masters, or any other brother, was always battling on the Battlefield. They were either in a battle or on the way to a battle. Bathing in blood with their aspiration, the young warriors of the young Heaven Domain had forced themselves to fight a path that belonged to them on the External Battlefield where powerhouses, killings, and warfare existed in every corner. 

The day marked the ultimate evolution of the young Heaven Domain, and from this moment on, no force or organization on the Battlefield had the ability to suppress it, not even the most aggressive External Killer Group One. 

Powered by its warriors, including a Dominating Emperor, an Ancient Real Emperor, four Real Emperors, fifty Emperors, hundreds of Super Gods, and thousands of Gods of War, Heaven Domain dominated the Battlefield and competed against large-sized External Headquarters. 

In the Dragon Kingdom, NAH Technology of Hannah Bass, along with Morgan Group which Jayna Brown was in charge of, had been working overtime to forge high-tech heavy armor sets for warriors of Heaven Domain. 

Before Iwan's return, Ivy had had everything prepared, integrated all the resources that Heaven Domain had accumulated over these years, and distributed them to their secret warehouses worldwide. These resources could serve the warriors of Heaven Domain later if there were new battles. 


The scene of the warriors of Heaven Domain releasing their energy on the Battlefield made every informed force threatened. From this day on, Heaven Domain became one of the top players on the External Battlefield. 

At the same time, in the headquarters of the Dark Night Organization on an endless mountain, the Great Chief of the Drak Night, Dark's father, was standing on a patio and watching in the direction of warriors of Heaven Domain, along with Dark. Even his eyes were expressing he was shocked. The Dark Night was one of the Ancient Organizations, and it had a stage-seven King-level ancestor who was still alive. 

But right at this moment, if they dispatched all of their men to face warriors of Heaven Domain with all of their materials, they had no win rate. 

Then, the Great Chief sighed a long breath and beckoned Dark, "Boy, I know you always want to go back to Heaven Domain. Now, it's time. I won't stop you anymore!" 

Dark's body shivered as he heard his father. He had been at the peak Emperor level and could step into the Real Emperor Way at any time. He was the Master Dark of Heaven Domain, and he was eager to join his brothers when he sensed their energy release. But he had to return to the Dark Night, for his identity was exposed during the battle half a month ago. 

Dark felt his heart shaking on hearing his father's words, and then he turned around to ask his father, "Father, are you allowing me to go back?" 

His father, stewing in his gravy, nodded, "I am. Go back to Heaven Domain. The Dark Night is no more than a fetter that keeps you from a brighter future. Go back to your brothers and conquer the world with them!" 

The Great Chief paused for a moment, tapped his son on the shoulders, and, with a king look, continued, "Dark! I was planning to let you take my seat after you've grown up, but you're doing better than I thought you would! You have many good brothers. Listen to me, boy. Go back to where you belong. Go back to your brothers and become a legend in this world!" 

"Father!" Dark felt touched and tears bested up in his eyes. He looked at his father, this middle-aged man with greying temples. He felt a little heartbreak, and then took a deep breath and asked, "Father, What are you gonna do if I left? And what about the Dark Night?" 

The Great Chief's hearty laughter burst out, and he deeply inhaled, "Hahaha! Boy, your father is not that old! I took the position at fifteen because your grandfather died so young. I've been keeping low-key on this war-torn External Battlefield all these years. I was so afraid to lead the whole organization to the cliff or lose you! Now that you're a grown-up, the Dark Night will be fine. Just relax! My only hope is that my boy, you can climb up the highest mountain! That way, your mom, may her soul rest in peace, will be very relieved!" 


"Father, I'm sorry!" Dark kneeled before his father, warm tears streaming down his cheeks. 

The Great Chief was gratified to look at Dark, his eyes welling up with tears. Five years ago, Dark had quit being the young Master of the Drak Night to join Heaven Domain as a pawn. Later he even led teams to attack the Dark Night. Over the years, the Great Chief had been infuriated so many times by Dark, and more often than not, he had considered more than once slapping this disobedient son! 

At this moment, seeing his son grow up to be a responsible man gave him a lot of relief. He believed Dark would go further and further with his brothers of Heaven Domain. In that case, he would not concern whether his family or the Dark Night would no longer exist. If it vanished one day, as long as his son became stronger than ever, that would be no regret! 

With this thought, the Great Chief stared at Dark, "Before you go, Dark, I'm giving you another gift! The one-hundred-year accumulation of the Dark Night, it's all yours, now! Go to the training chamber and open that goddamn Real Emperor Way!" the Great Chief felt his hot blood pumping. 


At the same time, in the Broken Valley. This force belonged to peak later-stage Emperor-level Sullivan, who had been being hunted by Iwan for a whole day two months ago when Iwan came all the way from Cleveque City to the Battlefield in high dudgeon. 

Sullivan, who had reached peak Emperor level, put down his intelligence and looked up in the direction of the warriors of Heaven Domain. His look was very complicated, and several seconds later, he made up his mind to join Heaven Domain. 


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