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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 316

Chapter 316 Battle Preparation

Iwan didn't want any of this. He didn't want any kind of battle but to stay peacefully at home to watch Emily grow. He owed a lot to Emily.

Men, when having kids, always wanted to accompany their kids. But reality tended to separate parents and children. Iwan was carrying too much on his shoulders, like the future of Heaven Domain and the responsibilities he held for the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom. He had to keep carrying them. Plus, he did not yet know what his mother was hiding and where his father had gone.

He was carrying too much to put it down for even a second even if he wanted to. It was where his rage came from. During his return this time, he needed to settle everything down domestically and internationally in the shortest time. He would remove every obstacle that was in his way.

"Jayna, Emily, I'll never leave you after I settle down everything here. Wait for me. Allow me to be Lord of Heaven Domain for one last time!" Iwan muttered to himself and stopped overthinking.

Iwan watched outside through the window, and hundreds of armed helicopters flew towards the headquarters of Heaven Domain.


When the sun was hanging above the sky on the External Battlefield, the nightfall kicked in the Dragon Kingdom. It was time for the Autumn Festival banquet to begin. While the people of the Dragon Kingdom were celebrating the festival, the news channel reported the Kingdom's victory on the External Battleifeld.

This was the time when the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom found out there were two hundred thousand soldiers fighting battles on the Battlefield on this day. Fortunately, the Military Headquarters and Heaven Domain unbelievably claimed victory two against eight.

People started cheering in the Kingdom, from urban to rural areas. At the night, on the streets of the Dragon Kingdom appeared so many warzone vehicles retreated from the External Battlefield, fully loaded with soldiers. People all swarmed to the streets to welcome their heroes back.

Meanwhile, the four Elders of the Dragon Kingdom on television said only one sentence, "Prepare for the battle, and victory belongs to the Dragon Kingdom!"

All of the sudden, all people cheered loudly again. The Dragon Kingdom had claimed victory at the frontline but at cost of l lives of thousands of soldiers. Thirty thousand soldiers died on the Battlefield while people were celebrating the festival in the Kingdom.

This night when the four Elders strengthened people's faith in the Military by announcing the plans to prepare for the next battles, every citizen felt proud of the sleeping giant dragon awakening again. Sleep had no place at the night as cheering people gathered on the streets in cities and in villages. The cheer "Victory belongs to the Dragon Kingdom" resounded throughout the whole country.

Rumble! With all the cheers, the Giant Dragon of the national fortune of the Dragon Kingdom appeared above the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom in Gotham. Everyone could sense its rapidly swelling aura.

Grrrrr! A resonant dragon's roar came to every corner of Gotham, then every corner of the Dragon Kingdom. Everyone in the Kingdom could hear that roar.

The aura of the Giant Dragon kept swelling to peak stage-nine King level, then double, triple, five times, ten times...

Grrrr! Another roar that made the earth tremble came as the aura of the Giant Dragon swelled to Way Master level. The dragon's groan resounded across the earth.

The High King level powerhouses of nine super-powerful sects that had been hiding in the Kingdom all scowled. The national fortune of the Dragon Kingdom swelled again to a degree that could deter them from going near Gotham. On this morning, they dared to go to Gotham. But in the evening, that would be going to die.


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