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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 329

Chapter 329 You're People of the Dragon Kingdom, so You Should Love the Land under Your feet (2) 

Way Master Koltin had isolated their sect from the outside world. Right, among the forces in the Dragon Kingdom, this was the first King-level super powerful sect that had isolated itself from the outside world to prepare for war, after the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters. Instantly, the Green Mountain Sect's action had once again caused a huge influence in the Dragon Kingdom. 

Now the Green Mountain Sect had firmly taken sides with the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters and began preparing for war with all efforts! The whole sect, including two Way Masters, almost ten powerhouses in the ninth stage of the King level, and almost 30 powerhouses in the high stage of the King level, were preparing for war! 

Then a serious, cold atmosphere was gathering around the whole Green Mountain Sect. 


The world conditions outside the Dragon Kingdom instantly quietened down. Yielding to the Heaven Domain, the Lion Quarter signed truce agreements with the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters and the Heaven Domain. They let everything of the past go. And the Lion Quarter had begun concentrating their forces to rectify their own country and appease their allies. This was the middle continent of the world with the Lion Quarter being the leader. 

In the western continent of the world, the Brave Tiger Quarter and the Giant Bear Quarter had jointly taken the hundreds of years of national fortune of the Iteny Kingdom Military Headquarters, simply making its national fortune fall asleep. The national fortune of the Brave Tiger Quarter and the Giant Bear Quarter then grew fast in a short time. 

Then the Brave Tiger Quarter and the Giant Bear Quarter, the two newly risen forces, formed a confrontation situation with the Silver Snake Military Headquarters and the Iron Eagle Military Headquarters, the two long-standing top military headquarters in the world, on the western continent of the world. Everyone kept each other in check. Instantly, the situation there became so tense that another war would likely break out anytime. Yet, it was also possible that everyone would always live peacefully with each other. 

In the end, the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters were crazily concentrating their forces in the eastern continent of the world where the Dragon Kingdom was. They even gave up the large area they had occupied on the External Battlefield. Instead, they were trying their best to return to a full defense. Anyone could see the determination of the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters to quell their country! Even if they could not, they would make it quiet for a short time and remove some hurdles for themselves! 

Therefore, when the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters concentrated their forces in an all-round way, giving up most of their occupied areas, the Big Sun, Big Elephant, and Cudgel Military Headquarters didn't dare to move for the time being. They wanted to meddle in the affairs of the Dragon Kingdom, but didn't dare because once they got involved, there would be an endless battle, especially when the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters and the Heaven Domain were now crazy after having fought fierce battles. 

Ignoring the 80th-anniversary celebration held in their kingdom, they simply took their top powerhouses 10,000 miles away to attack the military headquarters of the Z8 Alliance. As for Iwan, the Lord of the Heaven Domain on the External Battlefield, he simply destroyed the Lion Quarter with a sword. Therefore, those top military headquarters on the western continent of the world that had a problem with the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters had lost a lot of their courage to fight for now. 

They were waiting! Yes, they were! What they were waiting for was nothing but the fights that would soon begin in the Dragon Kingdom. The reason was simple. Now, this was not the personal affair of the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters, but something that would influence the pattern of the whole world in the near future! If the Military Headquarters and the Heaven Domain defeated the top nine King-level super powerful sects in the Dragon Kingdom, then the pattern of the world would change. If they failed, some of the forces against the Military Headquarters would surely swarm in. Then, once again, the nine overseas military headquarters would join hands to trample the Dragon Kingdom and carve it up as they had done a century ago! 

So the whole world fixed its eyes on the Dragon Kingdom again at this moment. Everyone could feel that a war was about to break out. All the forces were now waiting… waiting… 


Now the atmosphere on all continents in the External Regions was so solemn, let alone the one in the Dragon Kingdom. As the top powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters had isolated themselves to cultivate, and the Heaven Domain and the Green Mountain Sect had secluded themselves from the outside world, eight of the top nine King-level sects in the Dragon Kingdom were in a very serious atmosphere. The powerhouses all felt that a storm was coming. 

And… the storm was sure to be very severe. 

Then the eight King-level super powerful sects in the Dragon Kingdom that had not secluded themselves began crazily visiting each other to discuss countermeasures. 

The most proactive ones were the four King-level super powerful sects: Destine Sect, Nether Sect, Supreme Heaven Sect, and Galaxy Sect. On the day of the great celebration, their men sneaked into Gotham to attack the national fortune of the Dragon Kingdoms. Yes, indeed, they were afraid. 

If those top powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters had come straight to their door to question them after their return, they would not be so afraid. Why were they so afraid? After their return, these top powerhouses had never cared about the incident that they had attacked the national fortune of the Dragon Kingdom, but these powerhouses had simply secluded themselves. Then their attitude was obvious: "Since you dared to attack our national fortune, we won't give you a f*cking chance to explain it! 

"Then, after our seclusion, we'll either kill you or be killed by you! This is so simple. Of course, you can now give up all your businesses in the country and flee overseas. If you can do that, you're great." But these King-level super powerful sects had lived for 1,000 years in the Dragon Kingdom. If they wanted to run, they would have run away. In fact, they would never abandon their businesses here. 

Now, on the whole, those few King-level super powerful sects in the Dragon Kingdom that were obviously hostile to the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters were stronger than it in overall strength. They could fight, but the result was hard to tell. 

Yet, when they heard that the Green Mountain Sect had isolated themselves from the outside world, they had a heavier heart. The information they collected said that the Green Mountain Sect had not only secluded themselves but were also going all out to prepare for war! What did the Green Mountain Sect want? Would they try to protect themselves then? Or did they want to stand firmly in line with the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters? 

The other eight King-level super powerful sects had good reason to go panic. After all, in the history of the Dragon Kingdom, the Green Mountain Sect that had lived for so long was a freak among the other sects. They were hot-headed and enthusiastic. Many times they would ignore everything to stand in line with a dynasty and help it fight foreign intruders. Therefore, a few times, the sect had almost been destroyed by overseas intruders. 

So now, the rest eight King-level super powerful sects in the Dragon Kingdom could almost certainly feel that the Green Mountain Sect was probably going to help the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters this time! 

Once the Green Mountain Sect made their choice, it meant the combination of the top nine King-level super powerful sects in the Dragon Kingdom was over! The Green Mountain Sect was now the first to take sides. Would there be a second or third then? 

Indeed, the four King-level sects that had attacked the national fortune of the Dragon Kingdom had guessed it. 

For example, soon after the news that the Green Mountain Sect had secluded themselves was spread, news also came out of the God of War Sect hiding in the desert in the west of the Dragon Kingdom: The sect wouldn't join the great battle that would then begin. No matter who won or lost, they wouldn't care! 

War had also received the news sent by Ivy. What she meant was that he could do things as he saw fit. With the news in his hand, he was silent for a while. Then he went to Johnson, the Head of the God of War Sect, and conversed with him secretively for a very long time. Later, the sect decided to isolate itself from the outside world. Right, some of the credit for it should be given to War. 

The Head of the God of War Sect asked War, "Do you think the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters and the Heaven Domain can win?" 

War answered without hesitation, "They can!" 

After that, the Head of the God of War Sect didn’t ask him any more questions, and War didn't say anything else. Then they sat down face to face in the secret chamber. A long time later, Johnson ordered to seclude their sect. 


After the incident, Zach, the Head of Heaven Force, came to the depths of the dungeons of their sect to meet Teddy, his face quite serious. 

Only Zach, and Teddy, who was imprisoned by the former, were now in here-the deepest dungeon in the sect. But Teddy was free here, a condition that was different from the other prisoners'. 

Looking at Zach's very serious face, Teddy smiled and said, "Haha… brother, why did you come to me? Are the Heaven Domain and the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters going to attack you?" He seemed to be implying something with his smile. 


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