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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 330

Chapter 330 The Battle Song (1)

On this day, when the door of the Heaven Domain on the External Battlefield opened, Iwan, in a black robe, walked out of it with Dark, Kill, and Slay. In Gotham, the gate of the senior elder's mansion also opened. With a momentum that was a dozen times stronger than that before he secluded himself to cultivate, the senior elder came out with his partners.

Soon the air across the Dragon Kingdom became serious and grim. In the square before the head office of the Heaven Domain on the External Battlefield, 3,000 soldiers of the Heaven Domain, in heavy pure black armor, were standing, quiet and solemn! On the martial-arts arena of the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters in Gotham, Dragon Kingdom, 100,000 iron-willed fully armed troops, who had been withdrawn from the External Battlefield, were ready to set off.

Instantly, the whole world eyed the Dragon Kingdom, and the atmosphere here became so heavy.


There were high mountains and dense forests in the midwest of the Dragon Kingdom, but no humans would visit throughout the year. Yet, at the moment today, numerous powerhouses had gathered here, including those at the Way Master level or in the ninth stage of the King level, more than a hundred Emperor-level powerhouses, hundreds of Gods of War and Super Gods...

This was undoubtedly the gathering ground for the Galaxy Sect, Supreme Heaven Sect, Nether Sect, and Destine Sect, which were four King-level super powerful sects hiding in the Dragon Kingdom. Right, the places where they were stationed were close to one another. More than ten days ago, on the day of the Dragon Kingdom's great celebration, the Heads of the four sects had sneaked into Gotham and attacked the national fortune of the kingdom with their swords. There was no room for negotiation for such hatred.

The national fortune of the Dragon Kingdom was the bottom line that the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters would have to guard with their lives. Therefore, several days ago, when Heaven Force, the God of Heaven Sect, and the Green Mountain Sect announced to seclude their sects, they, the four sects, did not dare to because they would come sooner or later.

In order to avoid being destroyed one by one by the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters, the top powerhouses of their sects had all come out to form a joint force. Four were at the Death Realm of the Way Master level, more than 20 in the ninth stage of the King level, dozens at the seventh or eighth stage of the King level, more than a hundred at the Emperor level, and hundreds at the God-of-War level. Besides, there were also some five-star men of sacrifice. In total, there were thousands of powerhouses here.

This was a tremendous force. To some extent, if the top nine sects in the Dragon Kingdom joined hands, they would be like the Z8 Alliance the External Regions used to target the Dragon Kingdom. After all, they had survived 1,000 years. In the past 2,000 years, two imperial dynasties, four royal dynasties, and five other dynasties had appeared in the land of the Dragon Kingdom. Since ancient times, brilliant powerhouses had been born in each time period.

This force, which could match the Z8 Alliance, was too powerful for anyone to imagine.

But in terms of its deeds, this alliance, to some extent, was much more detestable than the Z8 Alliance led by the Lion Quarter. They extracted the essence, new talents, and top geniuses of the Dragon Kingdom. As a consequence, the Dragon Kingdom, such a big country, lagged behind the world for as long as almost 300 years. A century ago, the overseas military headquarters broke through the border defense with their troops and trampled this land for decades.

Until... the New Dragon Kingdom was founded.

Even the New Dragon Kingdom had to face internal and external problems. For the nation, it was so hard to take each step forward. Before the rise of the Heaven Domain, numerous loyal soldiers of it died and were buried on the External Battlefield each year.

Today, the four King-level super powerful sects had all come out. The more powerful Sect of Supreme Darkness and Fierce Sun Sect were still watching, but were ready to fight. If the four sects were defeated, they would join the fight.

The heads of the four sects now looked serious. They were on one peak of the mountain where the four sects gathered.


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