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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 331

Chapter 331 The Battle Song (2)

"Soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom! One month ago, facing the alliance of the world's top eight military headquarters, we won on the External Battlefield! Ten days ago, facing the same alliance, we won! Two great victories! We traded it with the 130,000 lives of our compatriots! But we'll have to fight another fierce battle today! I don't know how many will die then! And I don't know if we will or can keep winning! Now I'm asking you, 'Are you... afraid?'" On the high platform in the square of the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters in Gotham, Shelton, the senior elder of the Military Headquarters in a black robe, shouted to the tens of thousands of soldiers, his face cold and serious.

The desolate autumn wind blew the trees, and their leaves fell, dancing in the air. Now, the elders of the Dragon Kingdom on the high platform and the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom in the square were both standing straight with a strong iron will!

"Not afraid! Not afraid! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" As soon as the senior elder finished his words, these soldiers all shouted hysterically that they were fearless! As the senior elder said, they could win on the External Battlefield when facing the alliance of the top eight overseas military headquarters, let alone in the Dragon Kingdom!

The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom were not afraid of dying! They would wipe out anything the king's sword pointed!

All those on the high platform looked so cold-blooded at the moment. They were: Shelton Hayes, the senior elder of the Dragon Kingdom, Judy Lopez, the second elder, Lewis King, the third elder, and Carl Addison, the fourth elder; Steve Morris, Bryant Darnell, Terry Liam, and Brandon Turner, the four elderly generals ordered to have come back from the External Battlefield (four iron-willed generals); and Rendon Scott, the Grand General of the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters. And they were all wearing black robes with a fine steel sword at their waist.

The senior elder on the high platform sighed deeply and looked at the tens of thousands of the best soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom solemnly. He didn't know how many of them would die today! Yet, no matter how many, they... would fight the battle! And they must win! Otherwise, the Dragon Kingdom would always have to deal with internal and external problems.

"Charge!" Shelton took a deep breath, then suddenly unsheathed the sword from his waist, and shouted.

"Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge!" the tens of thousands of soldiers shouted coldly. Then the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters moved. Numerous armed helicopters and fighter jets roared and rose, heading fast in the distance. On the ground, the senior elder and his partners jumped and appeared at the head of the line, taking these elite soldiers to go to Gotham!

Now, these elders were having very strong auras, with the senior elder's being the strongest. He was already at the peak of the ninth stage of the King level. With the help of national fortune, he could use the strength of one at the peak of the Life Realm of the Way Master level, which was never weaker than Dimitrie's!

Judy, Lewis, and Carl, the three elders, had all reached the ninth stage of the King level at the moment. With the help of national fortune, they each could perfectly match a Heaven-level guardian in the camp of the Guardian of the Rules. The three of them were all standing with bent backs around the senior elder, the look in their eyes getting colder.

Steve, Bryant, Terry, and Brandon, the four elderly generals, had all reached the peak of the eighth stage of the King level at the moment. With the help of national fortune, they would definitely be able to use the fighting power that was in the last phase of the ninth stage of the King level!

In the end, Rendon, the Grand General, had also reached the peak of the eighth stage of the King level, but he didn't join the senior elder and his team. Instead, he took another army to go to the headquarters of the Western War Zone, which was not far away from the Fierce Sun Sect and the Sect of Supreme Darkness, the two most powerful King-level sects in the Dragon Kingdom. Now, a few thousand missiles had been taken out, and numerous well-hidden launching silos had opened. The hidden missile legions of the Dragon Kingdom were all ready!

Rendon's mission today was not to fight a battle with the senior elder and his team, but to deter the Sect of Supreme Darkness and the Fierce Sun Sect! After all, the power and accumulated strength of the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters and the Heaven Domain were still too weak. If the Sect of Supreme Darkness and the Fierce Sun Sect joined in, this battle would be so fierce.

The extremely powerful thermal weapons could only threaten those people once or twice, but they wouldn't work all the time, simply because those people would bet that the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters didn't dare to use them in their own land and earn a bad reputation for life. What no one knew was that Rendon was not going to return alive. Even if he bore a bad reputation, he would do it because the Dragon Kingdom really couldn't be constrained by those forces in the land anymore! They couldn't...

Half an hour later, Rendon arrived at the headquarters of the Western War Zone of the Dragon Kingdom. As soon as he got off the plane, he took a deep breath and mumbled inwardly, "From now on, I'll change my name... to... Blood Scott!"

When Rendon arrived in the Western War Zone, the senior elder and his team had also boarded a transport plane, flying toward the stationed areas of the four sects. Everyone onboard was silent. They were just waiting because their battlefield today was their motherland.

Maybe a lot of the soldiers here would die. Sadly, they would not die on the External Battlefield but on the land under their feet.

Both parties were from the same country, but they would fight each other. But they had to solve the problem through fighting. Those hidden sects in the Dragon Kingdom were absolutely an excrescence. Even if the nation had to suffer for some time, they had to be fought and removed!


Just as the senior elder and his team set off, Jayna, who had been secluding herself to cultivate in the secret chamber of the Millers' house in Gotham, opened her eyes.

The momentum at the peak of the Death Realm of the Way Master level in her appeared and then disappeared. During the seven days, she had absorbed everything Christina had left. With Christina's resources for her, she could reach the Life Realm of the Way Master level if she could spare some time. But she didn't choose that. When a battle was about to begin, she simply chose to improve herself first, despite the fact that this would ruin her future.

The next moment, Jayna, who was at the peak of the Life Realm of the Way Master level, covered her face with a white veil and left the Millers' house with a long sword. But she didn't tell anyone about it.


When the whole Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters set off, heading for the battlefield, the nine Guardians of the Rules hiding in the Dragon Kingdom, who were at the ninth stage of the King level, also showed up. This was the internal affair of the Dragon Kingdom. To be honest... it was a little unsuitable for them to meddle in. According to the rules, they didn't have the right to interfere.

"Alas... people from the same land fighting each other. Alas..." this black-masked person sighed deeply. He was a Guardian of the Rules at the ninth stage of the King level. What no one knew was that the face behind the mask... was clearly the face of a very pure one from the Dragon Kingdom! What was less known was that this Guardian of the Rules balled his hands into fists in his sleeves! He made a decision.

There were nine Guardians of the Rules monitoring the Dragon Kingdom in the Dragon Kingdom. Among the eight of them, three, who were in the ninth stage of the King level, made a decision quietly.

Then the powerhouses at the ninth stage of the King level of the nine Guardians of the Rules moved, heading for where the two sides would battle against each other.


The Green Mountain Sect on top of the cliff had been in seclusion for seven days. But their gate blasted off at the moment. Then Way Master Burlie, in a blue robe, came out with a long blue sword on his back. He did not hide his momentum. Therefore, as soon as he appeared, the momentum at the peak of the Death Realm of the Way Master level in him roared like a fire.

"Let's go!" Way Master Burlie ordered. Instantly, more than 100 powerhouses above the Emperor level began to move! Dozens of powerhouses at the Emperor level, more than twenty King-level powerhouses, and the powerhouses at the Death Realm of the Way Master level began to move with cold expressions.

They... would join the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters to fight this battle today.

"Which side will you take, Way Master Burlie?" When the powerhouses of the Green Mountain Sect had just reached the foot of the mountain, a powerhouse in the ninth stage of the King level of the Fierce Sun Sect appeared and asked.


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