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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 376

Chapter 376 Destroying the Seal Military Headquarters (2)

Iwan licked his lips. The coldness grew stronger in his eyes. Just as he was about to speak, the powerhouses from the Wilderness Cabinet of the Seal Military Headquarters suddenly changed their colors. Their leader said in a hurry.

"Wait a minute, Lord Cliff. We'll accept the terms. All of them! We don't want your national fortune anymore..." The old man panicked. They couldn't die here, or else the Seal Military Headquarters would be doomed. He was convinced that if they lost the battle, the head of Heaven Domain would slaughter all their warriors above the Emperor level. He couldn't imagine the consequences.

It was a different situation now. Iwan didn't rush to respond. Instead, he continued to calculate something in his mind.


At the same time, a few hundred kilometers away, the black-robed Teddy and the four vice leaders of the Heaven Domain, who had taken the path of Real Emperor, arrived at the entrance of the Seal Military Headquarters with three thousand crack powerhouses.

"The national fortune of this large Military Headquarters has accumulated energy for centuries. If we get it, our power will definitely advance to the next level. That's wonderful. Let's start the battle and kill them all!" Dark sneered, staring at those warriors inside the fortress.

Slay nodded in agreement. "True, our leader has ordered us to devour the national fortune and get ready to enter the Real Emperor Way Realm. Brothers, we're still too weak. We should advance to the True King level as soon as possible and catch up with our big brother."

Kill and War also nodded anxiously. Although the four of them could give full play to the power of King level nine, they were too weak compared with Iwan, who was facing stronger enemies. The things they could do for him were getting fewer. It was not a good sign.

Teddy nodded and looked at the fortress ahead. He narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, and waved his hand. "Everyone, attack! Let's destroy their national fortune!"

Following the roar, the five powerhouses at Kind level nine took the lead to attack the Seal Military Headquarters.

Warrior No. 1 to No. 20, who were at the primary or middle stage of the King level, followed behind the five. On their heels were hundreds of warriors at the Emperor level and a thousand warriors at the Super-God level. They swarmed into the fortress like crazy people.

Inside the Military Headquarters, the commander-in-chief, the deputy commander, and two powerhouses at King level nine had to rise in the air. Leading a group of warriors at the King, Emperor, Super-God, and God-of-War levels, they came out to engage their enemies.

Unfortunately, they were short of top warriors. There were only three or four hundred powerhouses from the primary stage of the God of War to King level nine. Their enemies, however, were three thousand warriors from the Heaven Domain. Every one of them was wearing heavy armor and wielding broadswords.

"Kill them all!" The warriors of the Heaven Domain shouted at the same time. Their roars shot up to the sky and shook the clouds. As soon as the two sides clashed, the warriors of the Seal Military Headquarters who were below the King level collapsed and kept retreating. In the blink of an eye, half of them were killed.

In mid-air, Dark, War, Slay, and Kill faced four powerhouses at King level nine head-on. Teddy maneuvered, rushed inside the fortress, and looked for the national fortune.

"Oh no... the powerhouses from the Wilderness Cabinet still haven't arrived?" The commander-in-chef saw a warrior at King level nine infiltrate their headquarters. Teddy was unstoppable. He was anxious to no end.

However, there was nothing he could do. The powerhouses of the Wilderness Cabinet couldn't make it back.

In the next moment, a huge projection appeared above the square. It dismayed the situation at the entrance of the Wilderness Cabinet.

The remaining four Way Masters and five powerhouses at the peak of King level nine were standing there, crestfallen.

"The Seal... will surrender! Obey the order from the headquarters and surrender unconditionally! We'll yield to the Heaven Domain!" The helpless voice of the head of the Wilderness Cabinet came out from the projection.

"W... What? S... surrender?" The commander-in-chief, a powerhouse at the later stage of King level nine, engaged Slay head-on, temporarily repelled his opponent, and muttered in disbelief.

Then he saw in the huge projection a man standing opposite the leader of the Wilderness Cabinet. The man turned around. It was none other than Iwan.

The leader of the Heaven Domain glanced at him with a smile. "You can choose not to surrender. Anyone but you will live. I think you know why."


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