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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 377

Chapter 377 Destroying the Seal Military Headquarters (3)

Ten minutes later, the melee stopped. The Seal Military Headquarters were reduced to ruins. Dying with regrets, the bodies lay in disarray on the ground.

The blood was dripping from the swords held by the warriors of the Heaven Domain. There was no retreat on the battlefield. If they didn't exterminate the powerhouses of the Seal, those people would make a comeback. They were all warriors above the Emperor level. In this world, no ordinary people could reach that level.

At a clearing in the square, dozens of Super-God level and War-of-God level warriors were disarmed and squatted down. All the remaining powerhouses were hanging their heads. Their eyes were bloodshot. Did they hate their enemies? Of course!

If they could, they were eager to destroy the world with their gaze. Unfortunately, it would not happen. They had been crushed.

At that moment, their hearts were filled with fear.

That was because none of the Emperor or King-level powerhouses from the Seal won their opponents in the one-on-one battles. The warriors from the Heaven Domain prevailed.

The huge projection of Iwan still lingered above the square. He indifferently looked at those survivors. His voice was icy cold.

"Listen up! You can seek revenge in the future. Come to the External Battlefield and find us at the Heaven Domain, but if you dare to kill any member of the Summo Military Headquarters, I'll slaughter ten thousand of you!"

He snorted heavily and turned off the communicator.

After the protection disappeared, those survivors in the square trembled. The fear in their hearts grew stronger. Did they have a chance to take revenge? Probably not. The Heaven Domain was advancing at an unimaginable speed.

A couple of months ago, people from large Military Headquarters thought nothing of the Heaven Domain. What about now? In a matter of a few months, they had slain many Way Masters.

Now the Heaven Domain had two Way Masters. The most fearsome one was their leader who was at the later stage of the Life Realm. Besides him stood Black Emperor, Teddy, the four deputy leaders, and Warrior No. 1 to No. 20 who were at the primary and middle stages of the King level. There were hundreds of Emperor-level powerhouses and a thousand King-level powerhouses. The rest were warriors at the peak of the War-of-God level.

Such a terrifying power appeared in the External regions of Summo, and the Seal became its first victim. They were used by the warriors of the Heaven Domain to hone their skills.

Teddy took a deep breath, suddenly tossed the carrier of the national fortune to the air, broke it in halves with his knife, and shouted.

"Warriors, do your best to absorb the energy and enhance your power. It's the national fortune of a large Military Headquarters. Don't tell me that it's not enough to power your breakthroughs!"

"The remaining warriors, take all the reserves and absorb the energy."

As soon as his voice died away, Dark, War, Slay, Kill, Warrior No. 1, and the other twenty or so powerhouses at the King level rose in the air. They grabbed the parts of the national fortune and absorbed the energy without hesitation. Teddy also got a piece. After devouring it, he sat down on his knees and enhanced his power in front of the survivors of the Seal.


In the depths of the Internal Regions at the Wilderness Cabinet, Iwan was still confronting his opponents.

With bloodshot eyes, the head of the Wilderness stared at Iwan and said, "Lord Cliff, we've done our part. The Wilderness Cabinet will be closed immediately. It won't be open again until the Real Emperor Way Realm appears. What do you say?"

The Wilderness Cabinet was the top power hidden in the Internal Regions of the Seal Military Headquarters. He almost said that people from the Heaven Domain could do whatever they wanted.

Iwan gazed at the old man and nodded with a spurious smile. "Be my guest, let's meet at the Real Emperor Way Realm four days later."

Without another word, the old man turned around with the remaining eight powerhouses and headed toward the Wilderness Cabinet.

When they just took a few steps, Iwan suddenly called out from behind, "Old Master, you can take revenge four days later at the Real Emperor Way Realm. People from the Lion, the Iron Eagle, and the Silver Snake Military Headquarters will be all there." His words were meaningful. A stream of coldness was flowing in the depths of his narrowed eyes.

The Seal Military Headquarters had been destroyed. They saw it with their own eyes. The commander-in-chief was forced to kill himself. The animosity was irreconcilable. Iwan considered exterminating them at a cost.

Upon hearing that, the head of the Wilderness Cabinet trembled and had a bad feeling.

Without looking back, he gritted his teeth and said, "Lord Cliff, they followed the Lion Quarter to kill the people of the Summo, and you killed them with your men. It's called karma. At the same time, the feud between us is removed."

He took a deep breath and fought back his bitterness. "I hope you'll keep your word and stop the war. We've reaped what we sowed today. It's the price we pay for our mistakes. Starting today, we'll pull out of Z9. We won't work with the Lion Quarter ever again. What do you say?"


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