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Her Forbidden Alpha King novel Chapter 5

~~~ Allaya ~~~

** My eyes sharply explore the depth of the woods, butterflies are ravaging my stomach in fear, my heart is pounding against my rib cage, as ready to explode, it’s nothing that I have felt before.

I run, I run for my life is in danger, my life and the life of my unborn baby. Unworthy sensations for my kind are stirring inside, my body is tense in that emotion called panic, which was created for blunt human weaklings.

I run with inhuman speed, as fast as I can, searching for a good hiding spot, the chances of survival are low. They will catch up on me soon, I’m not going to make it, it’s just too many of them and I’m alone.

My heart rate is on overdrive while racing against all odds, my life depends on it, I know every inch of this place, but so do they. Howls cracking through the silence of the forest, making everything more intense, the dreadful noises are getting closer.

They're here!

The monsters are here!

I fight the urge to scream, my breath is caught in my throat, my body falls to the ground in surrender.

I close my eyes and pray for a miracle. Maybe the Gods will spare me and my child.

At least my child… **

“Xander, do something about it, she’s having that nightmare again!”

“It only means one thing, love. She is awakening. It’s out of my power to stop this, you know that.”

The disturbed voices of my parents are penetrating through this kind of trance I’m blocked into, for I’m neither asleep nor conscious. I’m unable to react, but I am aware of my surroundings, if that makes any sense.

“Awakening?” I manage to utter in a low tone, opening my heavy eyes.

My father’s face is clouded with some sort of hidden implications while briefly glancing at my mother.

“I meant ‘awaking’. Same dream again, sweet baby?” He inquires, his eyes lit with affection and uneasiness, while my mother encloses me in a bear tight hug.

My breath is still uneven, my cheeks soaked with tears, I have this horrific nightmare every night, over and over again, with very few details varying, it’s been replaying in my mind for the last months.

A woman chased by creatures that do not exist in our world, that woman seems to be me for I feel her experiences as my own, even if this is beyond the bounds of possibility. Isn’t it?

I cannot be someone that possesses unearthly skills like sharp visual perception, hypersonic speed, some type of healing power and on top, someone that is haunted by demonic beasts, can I? Obviously, that’s rather impossible, I’m just Allaya, a basic human.


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