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Her Forbidden Alpha King novel Chapter 5

~~~ Allaya ~~~

I give the final touch to my makeup and take another glance in the full length mirror, under the approving eyes of my roommate, Alexis.

I’m wearing a white top and a black skirt that goes just below my ass, complimenting both my thin waist and my long legs. Yeah, I look good in this outfit, my confidence is restored.

“Thanks for convincing me to do this!”

“Girl, you look like everybody’s favorite meal! That Landon Morgan you told me about will have a mini heart attack if you happen to bump into him again! And trust me, getting rid of your cunning step sister and your cheating ex-boyfriend deserve celebrating!”

My lips shape in a genuine smile, after I pulled the bad weed out of my life, I experience an inner peace that I haven’t felt in what now seems like ages.

“You look even more gorgeous!”

Alexis has curly red hair that goes below her shoulders, and a pair of jade color eyes that can steal a man’s heart on the spot, if he is not too careful.

She hits the gym four times a week and has an all plant based diet, which gives her skin a special healthy glow. We are about the same height, 5.5 feet tall.

Yeah, she’s a babe and I’m proud to call her my friend.

“Oh, you make me blush, shut up!” She cups her face in her hands.

“And I am not thinking about that Landon at all! Why would you say that?” I am quick to deny, why did I tell her everything about that dreadful night?

She crosses her arms over her chest. “If you’re not thinking about him, then you’re thinking about the other one with the girlfriend, which I really don’t recommend! You did have a taste of the pain of betrayal, so you should know better not to harm others!”

True. It hurts to admit, but she is right.

Why is my mind trapped into that absurdly gorgeous man’s spell? And why does my treacherous body yearn for his touch?

I try to ignore the hot electrifying tingles forming in the lower part of my abdomen as I recall his skilled hands, his stone hard chest, his spellbinding eyes… Argh!!!

‘Snap out of it, Allaya! Focus on Landon, he was your knight in shiny armor! Or do you perhaps have a thing for cheating bastards?’ I silently reprimand myself.

Another friend of ours, Amiera, joins us and it takes a ten minutes drive to reach the exact location where I had my heart ripped from my chest and stabbed with a million knives just one week ago.

If the reason behind choosing this club filled with dire memories was the foolish hope of meeting someone in particular, it would remain my little secret.

Anxiety courses through my veins as we step inside, but it goes away in a couple of minutes. There’s this thing I can’t explain about loud places, they always make me feel so alive. The voice in my head stops teasing me and I can completely relax, not considering myself on the verge of craziness as I did in the past few months is an undeniable triumph.

Tonight, more than ever, I want to immerse myself into my own little world, the dance ring is the only option to let myself be free, I just want to release all the built in energy.

Yet this night is different, the club atmosphere is slightly bizarre, but in a pleasant manner, the air is tainted with a powerful energy, I can sense it all the way through my bones. Shivers are coming down my spine in waves, making my heart race ecstatically in anticipation, if it makes any sense.

In anticipation of what?

I must have finally lost it, my sanity.

Nevertheless, there is something that bothers me, I feel as though someone is watching me, the belief that the man who for me is near is consuming my thoughts, in fact I sense that he is really close, every cell in my body is yearning to meet him, the one.

I know it sounds ridiculous, not to mention, implausible.

Chapter 5 - 2: Undeniable Truth 1


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