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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Make More Effort 

"Mom, what nonsense are you talking about?" Nolan took out the forged physical checkup result and showed Fiona. "The doctor said it was a gastric ulcer, but it was serious. I stayed purposely for dinner tonight to persuade you to have surgery as soon as possible." 

Fiona took the result sheet and read it, frowning. "I don't understand the technical terms, but I have common sense. Why should I have surgery if I only suffer from gastric ulcer?" 

"Didn't your son tell you just now?" Karter began, "Ordinary gastric ulcer doesn't need surgery, but your case is serious, so you need surgery." 

"That's right, Mom. Although I'm a psychologist, I'm a doctor, after all. I know a little about gastric ulcers. Don't you believe me?" 

"Yes, of course." Fiona said, "All right, I'll listen to you." 

Nolan said, "Okay. I'll get you hospitalized tomorrow. You should have surgery as soon as possible." 

After dinner, Nolan chatted with Fiona for a while and asked her to go to sleep. He was left alone with Karter. The atmosphere became depressing. 

Karter asked, "Did you go to see Bethany?" 

"Yes." Nolan said, "She's an expert in this field. I would have asked her to be my mother's doctor if Bethany had recovered." 

"You have just met her a few times. Why do you trust her?" 

"I only met her a few times, but I have a sharp eye. At least, she's trustworthy as a doctor." 

Karter snorted coldly. "That girl is not simple. A liar who doesn't dare to tell you her real identity can actually fool you guys around." 

"What do you mean?" Nolan didn't get it. 

"You're too young to know you are deceived by her," Karter spoke as he went upstairs. "I'm your father after all. Although there's a misunderstanding between us, I mean well for you. You'd better stay away from that woman." 

Nolan was confused by Karter's words. However, he was too worried about Fiona's illness to think about Karter's accusation. 

During the following days, Raymond was busy. The development of the complex had started officially. 

Fiona got hospitalized and received treatment. She had surgery today. 

Raymond took Bethany to the hospital to visit Fiona, who had just come out of the operating room. The effect of the anesthetic hadn't worn off, and Fiona was not conscious. Therefore, they couldn't stay long in the ward. 

Nolan stayed in the ward and looked after Fiona, and Karter walked Raymond and Bethany out. 

Karter said, "Raymond, thank you for coming to see Fiona. I know you're very busy." 

"No matter how busy I am, I should come to visit Mrs. Shepard." Raymond said, "Her surgery went well. She'll be fine with the follow-up chemotherapy." 

"I hope so." Karter looked at Bethany, who quickly looked away to avoid his eyes. Somehow, Bethany was scared by his eyes. 

Karter said, "Bethany, you seem to have recovered well." 

Bethany said, "Yes, I'm okay." 

Karter curled his lips into a sneer. This woman was lucky. The perfect car accident actually failed to kill her! 

"Where is Mrs. Gina traveling? It's been a long time. Doesn't she plan to come back?" Karter asked. 

Raymond said, "She finally has time after her retirement. She's having great fun on the world trip. Why should she hurry back?" 

"That's right." Karter said, "Raymond, I have to go back to take care of Fiona. Goodbye." 


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