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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81 In the Moonlight

Come out?

Bethany was taken aback. She pushed open the door and went out. There was nobody at the door. Before she asked, Raymond continued, "Go to the rooftop."

"To the rooftop?" Bethany was puzzled. "It's dark outside. Why do you ask me to go to the rooftop?"

Before she finished speaking, Raymond hung up on her. She was cross.

However, Bethany didn't dare to disobey him. She went up to the rooftop compliantly, but there was nobody. Realizing she was fooled, she got angry. When she was about to call Raymond and accuse him, she heard a noise above her head.

Bethany looked up and saw a helicopter slowly descending toward the rooftop. It shocked her to see Raymond flying the helicopter.

When the helicopter landed, Raymond in the cockpit said to Bethany, "Get onboard."

Bethany was taken aback. After she came back to her senses, she looked at herself. She was wearing pajamas and slippers with disheveled hair. Realizing this, Raymond smiled and said indifferently, "It doesn't matter. Come onboard."

Bethany didn't hesitate and got on the helicopter. The door was shut, and the helicopter slowly ascended.

"What got into your head again? Why do you suddenly fly a helicopter?" Bethany was surprised.

"I used to be a pilot in the army, but I haven't done this for years. I did it on the spur of the moment tonight." Raymond said to Bethany, "Hold on."

Bethany quickly sat up straight. Following that, Raymond sped up. It was thrilling to overlook the city from the helicopter. Bethany's excitement surprised Raymond.

"You're bold. Aren't you afraid of height?"

Bethany shook her head. She had never been afraid of heights. She liked thrilling games since childhood. Her family used to have a helicopter, and she liked to take flights in it.

It was so many years ago.

"I didn't know you're so bold. Shall I take you to bungee jumping next time?"

"Okay." Bethany was excited about the idea. "I want to go bungee jumping over a cliff. It's thrilling."

Raymond said, "Okay, I'll do that next time."

"Where are we going?" Bethany looked at Raymond and asked.

"You'll know soon if you follow me." Raymond smiled at him. She found this man charming in the beautiful moonlight tonight.

It seemed that the helicopter flew for a long time. Bethany enjoyed the flight a lot. When they arrived at the destination, she was dazed by what she saw.

Bethany had never expected the helicopter to land at the seaside. The stars in the sky were dazzling, and the moonlight shone gently on the beach.

"We've arrived." Raymond landed the helicopter slowly on the beach.

After the helicopter landed, Bethany was still in a trance. The sound of the waves was getting louder, and the sea view was becoming real.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Do you like it?" Raymond didn't answer her question directly.

"Yes." Bethany nodded honestly.

The night at the seaside was quiet, sweet, and romantic. Which girl didn't like it?

"How about going on a boat trip tonight?"

Bethany was excited. She couldn't believe it and asked, "Is it possible?"


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