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His Disgusting Arranged Wife novel Chapter 11

At the twins' insistence, Feng Tianyi found himself sitting inside the ER department of the nearest hospital with the little buns watching him intently. Their bodyguard followed them after he dropped the woman at the precinct.

Feng Tianyi assured Little Star that he was fine and that she should stop her tears. The little girl felt guilty that she was the cause of her favorite uncle's injuries. If Uncle hadn't covered her with a blanket, she might be the one getting treatment for burns this time.

"Uncle, I'm so sorry. I didn't notice the woman coming my way when I ran towards you. I was in a hurry to see you," Little Star looked apologetically at the man who saved her.

"Stop crying, Little Star. Uncle will recover soon. It's not your fault." Using his left hand, Feng Tianyi wiped the tears from Little Star's cheeks. He couldn't understand why he had a sense of familiarity when he held Little Star in his arms.

Meanwhile, the look that Xiao Bao was giving him was hard to describe. It was as if he was assessing... the value of a rare jewel. Such thought made Feng Tianyi berate himself. He was forced to remind himself that Xiao Bao was just a kid.

"Uncle, your laptop..." Xiao Bao reminded him of his problem. Ah, was there a chance to retrieve the manuscript he'd written for his book? He only had two and half weeks before his deadline and now he wasn't sure if he would be able to meet it, not unless he rewrote it from scratch nonstop for a few days.

He pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to figure out what he should do next. He then felt a slight tug on his left sleeve and looked at Little Star.

"Uncle, I cannot afford to pay for your laptop," she blinked at him.

"Neither do I. We're just kids, Uncle. Mommy doesn't allow us to handle our money yet." Xiao Bao added.

Feng Tianyi laughed awkwardly at their remarks. Of course, he already knew their predicament. When he threw himself earlier to protect Little Star, the thought of keeping his laptop safe from the spill was also forgotten.

"Uncle, we know we can't pay you. Little Star and I can't afford it." Xiao Bao told him.

"It's alright. Money isn't the issue here. I'm more worried about the manuscript I've written so far. It's invaluable," Feng Tianyi tried to remember if he'd kept a remote backup somewhere.

"Our Mommy is invaluable too. Does it mean we should give her to you?" Xiao Bao pondered out loud.

The people around them were stunned. This little kid... was he serious? Was he trying to sell their own mother to this handsome uncle to pay their debts?

"Our Mommy is beautiful, Uncle. Just like Little Star," Little Star beamed a smile at him, "She's capable except for household chores. She cannot wash clothes and cook, but she can help you earn a lot of money!"

Feng Tianyi's face remained expressionless. These little buns rarely talked about their mother and never mentioned anything about their father.

"How do you know I'm not yet married? Did you know who I am?" He asked the two.

They've been meeting in the mornings and he'd never formally introduced himself to these two cute little buns. They shook their heads and blinked their round clear eyes at him.

"Easy!" Xiao Bao laughed and pointed to his hands. "Uncle doesn't wear any ring. Auntie Lu once told us married people wear rings near their pinkies."

"What about your father? Don't you have a Daddy?" Feng Tianyi questioned. He only spends an hour or two with these two every morning, and he really had no idea who they were.

"We don't have a Daddy." Little Star muttered lowly beside him. "Mommy said she doesn't know where our Daddy is."


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