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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 426

Avery was still worried for the child in her womb. Before she could make sure that the child was healthy or not, she wanted to rectify the situation. She did not care whether it was too late to do so or not, at least she would feel better.

Avery put on a jacket and left with an umbrella.

Coming out of the neighborhood, about three minutes' walk away, there was a pharmacy.

She bought a bottle of folic acid and put it in her pocket. She was walking in the rain with the umbrella opened.

Although the rain was heavy, she was not cold. It was spring. Spring was the time when all beings came to life. It was a

season of hope. She hoped that the child in her womb was as healthy as Layla and Hayden. As long as the child was healthy, she would give birth to it.

As for Elliot's thoughts, it was no longer that important.

While being under the rain that evening helped her figure out a lot.

Elliot's life and hers were two parallel lines. All she needed to do was to live her own life. As long as she did it with a clear conscience.

When she returned home, she kept the umbrella and placed it outside the door. Before she entered, she heard noises coming from the living area.

"You're strangling me!" Chad's angry voice came through.

Mike said, "Shut your mouth! Don't wake

Avery up!"

Chad was breathing heavily. "Why did you bring me here? Send me home now!"

Mike sat on the sofa and scratched his head. "I drank some alcohol, how could I send you home? Why don't you just stay here for the night!"

"You're asking me to sleep on the couch?!"

"What's wrong with sleeping on the couch! It's already a very good option for you!

Don't make a fuss! Does that mean you want to sleep in my room?"

"Are you nuts? What if Avery and the two children find out about me? How embarrassing would it be for me?" Chad struggled to get up from the sofa and headed to Mike's room.

Mike followed behind. "Wait up! Chad . why don't you resign? Come to our office. Elliot that jerk...."


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