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His Ex-Wife Is A Billionaire? novel Chapter 173

Recently, the Abernathy Hotel and K Orld Hotel had been playing nice on the surface, but they were actually fighting like cats and dogs behind the scenes.

Ada Ang, a big-shot international celeb, always turned head wherever she went. She wouldn't even glance at her wedding unless a few top brands were backing it.

It was no secret that Ada Ang was a hardcore jewellery nut. She was thrown small private jewellery exhibitions, showcasing her own pricey collection.

For her upcoming wedding, she was made a pretty tall order to the Abernathy group and K Orld Hotel. The jewellery she'd be wearing had to be top-of-the-line, handcrafted by the best designers, and there could only be one piece!

"Ada says she only accepts one-of-a-kind jewels worthy of her star status."

Gordon relayed his agent's words to Thaddeus and all the top dogs in the room, "Ada says she won't have any demands for the jewellery style and designer and won't set any limits. She's leaving it up to the Abernathy group and the K Orld Hotel.

Whichever side can provide jewellery sponsorship that satisfied her, she'll let them host her wedding. No ifs, ands, or buts."

Thaddeus listened, eyebrows furrowed, drumming his pen on the table, lost in thought.

The top brass all began to chatter.

"Was she looking for sponsors or a piggy bank?"

"What international star? She's just an actress who thinks she's all that."

"Ada is really overstepping, and she should be setting exam questions, not being a star!"

Thaddeus suddenly looked up, commanding the room, "This was a meeting room, not a chatroom. Speak up if you have suggestions. Otherwise, zip that."

Seeing Thaddeus' temper flare up, everyone shut their yaps and started seriously suggesting ideas.

The head of Product Design offered a string of renowned domestic and international jewellery designers. She prepared detailed information, introducing each designer's background and representative works to Thaddeus.

After listening, Thaddeus asked expressionlessly, "Why wasn't Alea on the list?"

Hearing the name Alea, everyone immediately clammed up.

"What's with these faces?" Thaddeus looked at them, puzzled by their sudden silence.

"Er, Mr. Thaddeus, I got to be straight with you. We absolutely can't invite Alea." The Head of Design treaded carefully.

"Why, did she die?"

Everyone was speechless.

Thaddeus asked seriously, not meaning any harm.

Despite being the CEO of the Abernathy group and skilled at business management, he indeed didn't know much about the world of jewellery and fashion.

"Mr. Thaddeus, it was because Alea was considered a master in the jewellery design industry. The designers I just introduced to you, almost every one of them holds Alea in high regard. Some even openly admit that they looked at Alea's works for inspiration when they were out of idea.

Alea was like a superstar in the design world, a god of design. Those who can buy her designed jewellery felt like they've got a priceless treasure. How could they possibly have the chance to invite her to design special jewellery for a star like Ada Ang? It was simply like a pipe dream."

The Head of Design, herself an admirer of Alea, even felt that inviting Alea to design jewellery for a star like Ada Ang seemed to be a bit beneath Alea's status.

"No matter how excellent a person is, as long as they're still on this planet, they need to eat to survive, and they're not invincible."

Thaddeus was extremely determined at this moment, and he didn't believe this was the best way, so he said without hesitation, "The jewellery designer for Ada Ang's wedding will be Alea."

Everyone was stunned.

The Head was sweating bullets, "Not that, Mr. Thaddeus. Actually, the ones I introduced to you are also very excellent designers, and their works have won international awards, and they can definitely meet our need."

Thaddeus shook his head, "I didn't deny your choices because they were bad. On the contrary, you did well. You just overlooked one issue, that is our competition."


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