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His Ex-Wife Is A Billionaire? novel Chapter 38

Weekend, Parkray Auction in Elmsworth.

The outside of the auction house was packed with reporters, barred from going in to protect the privacy of the elite. They could only wait outside.

However, the ones who came here were true top collectors and investment bankers, all with profits as their primary goal. They were not the ones who needed media exposure. They were not interested in interviews, but treasures.

Except for Elspeth, Una, and Acacia.

Every year at this time, Elspeth would dress up and turn this high-end charity auction into a red-carpet event. She'd pose for the media at the entrance and only reluctantly leave under the persuasion of the staff. It was as if she was afraid people would forget that she was the star who became famous for breaking up someone's family two decades ago. Frederic hadn't personally attended the auction for two years, probably thinking it was beneath him.

But this year, Elspeth didn't do that because Una begged her the night before to let her and her daughter have their moment. She and Una were sisters, and while she was reluctant, she had to respect family ties.

So this year, it was Acacia and her mom at the entrance.

"We, the Stirling Group, are here at this auction hoping to acquire excellent collections and contribute to charity," Una said in front of the reporters with the demeanor of a top lady.

"Mrs. Stirling, how is the Stirling Group's financial situation? We heard the Stirling Group is on the brink of bankruptcy?" a reporter asked sharply.

"Is Ives' investigation over? Will he be sentenced?"

"We heard there's a love problem between your daughter and the president of the Abernathy Group, is that true?"

Love problem?!

Acacia, hearing this, suddenly stepped forward, glaring at the reporter with wide eyes. "What love problem? Where did you hear that?!"

"Ms. Acacia, don't be nervous, we're just asking. After all, with the Stirling Group in trouble, Mr. Thaddeus, your fiancé, hasn't stepped in to help or made a statement, so it's not unreasonable to have such a speculation."

"I didn't break up with Thad! You guys better not spread rumors!"

Acacia, thinking about how Thaddeus hadn't reached out to her during these past few days, suddenly lost control of her emotions and raised her voice.

Una quickly pulled her emotionally distraught daughter back, smiling at the camera. "My daughter and Mr. Thaddeus are very steady in their relationship, please do not overthink. As for the matter between the Stirling Group and the Abernathy Group, that's a trade secret, and we're not sure ourselves."

"Mr. Thaddeus is also present at this event today. Why didn't he come with Ms. Acacia?"

"You guys never seem to appear together. Is it to avoid suspicion?"

"Avoid suspicion? If Mr. Thaddeus comes, he will definitely be with my daughter."

"But many of us saw that Mr. Thaddeus entered the venue half an hour ago," a reporter suddenly interrupted.

The mother and daughter were instantly thrown off by this statement, their faces changing.


On the other side, Thaddeus had already entered the venue with Gordon.

"Thad!" Jareth hurried over, his playful yet dark eyes squinted, immediately hugging Thaddeus' waist. "You've been working out well at the gym. Nice body."

Jareth even pinched Thaddeus' waist.

"You better behave." Thaddeus frowned slightly, not moving but giving him a cold look.

"Stop being a prude. Why don't you talk about the time you pinched me in bed when we were kids?" Jareth stopped touching his waist and put his hand on his shoulder. "Your future mother-in-law and fiancée are here. Aren't you going to say hi?"

"Avoid misunderstandings."

"Not bad, you're not just all about love. You seem to have improved, not being Acacia's puppy this time. You should know the Stirling Group's reputation in the industry is not good, and anyone who deals with them will have trouble."

"Who's all about love?"

Thaddeus' face suddenly turned serious. "Don't think because this is the Jareth Group's place that I won't do anything to you, Jareth."

It was well known in high society that the Parkray Auction was backed by the Jareth Group, with Jareth in full control.

"I'm just looking out for you. I really don't want to see your reputation ruined by the useless Stirling Group."


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