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His Reluctant Luna novel Chapter 8

I felt like a slut. I had just cheated on Mark!

' I am horrible! ', I thought.

'No, you are not, you kissed your mate as you should,' my wolf was pleased.

'My wolf is a pervert,' I cursed myself.

I finally slid off Lucian's lap and pulled down my skirt, folding my arms. I was looking out of the window. He kept his hand firmly around me. The area looked familiar; it was the state highway a few miles off the pack lands. Still, I was unable to form any connection with Rick and I had lost my mobile.

 Perhaps, I could plan an escape if I were careful. I turned towards him and spoke. 

    "Lucian, I need to use the restroom, can you stop at some service station, please?" I made my most desperate puppy face. My wolf was resisting. She was trying to overpower me so that I would stay.  

 He gave me a piercing look with those divine eyes. I noticed he had lovely lashes.

 'Please kiss him,' my wolf pleaded. I ignored it. 

    "Sure, we'll stop at the next gas station, I will escort you to the restroom. You will finish.... Whatever you want to do, in 5 minutes. If you do not come out in time. I will break the door and enter." His eyes flashed with a warning.  

 I stared at him incredulously," have you ever heard of a thing called privacy? I am not going to follow this stupid condition!" I screamed at him.


 "Do you want to use the restroom? Yes or No?" He titled his head and smirked.

 "Yes, but not with such conditions," I snapped back.

"Then we are not stopping," he smirked.

He was pure evil!

 "Alright!" I folded my arms and went back to staring out of the window. I needed to affirm what area I was in when I called Rick.  

 We pulled into a Shell station soon, and the service attendant came to our window. His men dealt with him while Lucian pulled me out of the SUV. He held me by my waist, which might have looked cosy to others, but I was held tightly in his vice-like grip.

 "Don't try any tricks' sweetie," he whispered in my ears then buried his nose in my hair and inhaled. It was not a romantic gesture, he was taking my scent. We found the ladies' restroom.

 "This is a lady's restroom........," that is all I could say before he started pushing inside along with me.

 I immediately placed my hand on his chest and stopped him from entering.  

 "No, you are not following me in. This is downright indecent!"  

 He narrowed his eyes, "do I look stupid, I know you will make a run for it, the moment I look away."  

 I rolled my eyes," well if I do, you can simply catch me.... again. How far can I run when you have taken my scent? I am miles away from my home." I said wryly.

 His eyes searched my face for any trace of a lie.

"Look, I have been through a lot in the last few hours, now at least let me pee in peace. As my so-called loving mate, you owe me at least some decency."

 I snapped at him. Most of what I said was true. I could barely focus on anything with him breathing down my neck.

His face softened, which worsened it! How could I escape if he was looking at me like that? This was probably the last time I would be seeing him. My heart felt like it was breaking into a thousand pieces. What was wrong with me? My wolf was fighting with all her might to stay. 

"Alright, I will wait here, no funny tricks, else you will be punished." He warned me.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, whatever."

Chapter 8 - Escape 1

Chapter 8 - Escape 2

Chapter 8 - Escape 3


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