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His Reluctant Luna novel Chapter 9

It was too late to run. I looked at the approaching monsters as the first one stopped right in from of me. The doors opened, and I was engulfed in Rick's familiar scent.

"Alice! Thank God you are safe." Rick said from above my head, I was pressed to his chest in a relieving hug. I was quickly huddled into the SUV, sitting alongside Rick.

"Now, tell me what happened?" Rick asked, softly.

I did not even know where to start. I told him everything, how I was drugged and kidnapped by the rogues and being rescued by Lucian Blake.

Rick's face hardened. He was furious, I could tell. Rick, my only brother, was eight years older than me. When my father died in that inter-were fight, he was just 17. He used to be away for several training, high school, and other things while I was growing up. I spent most of my time with Emma and Bobby, who were near to my age.

After taking over the pack, he had worked relentlessly. Due to our age gap and my being sent away, we did not get the opportunity to spend much time together. We were not particularly close. But he deeply cared for me. He had always supported all my decisions, whether it was about staying in London or getting engaged to Matthew. He never objected to anything.

I sniffed; I could not tell him that his hated enemy was my mate. 

"I was rescued by Lucian Blake, I said quietly."

"What!" Beta Thomas and Bobby who were sitting in front also jumped in surprise when I uttered that name. My wolf was mourning, and tears streamed from my eyes involuntarily. I had no idea how to stop them.

"I don't know how he found me, but he wasn't cruel Rick...if he hadn't arrived, those rogues would have....," I broke down.

"Alice, my dear sister, I am so sorry you had to go through this," Rick sounded miserable.

Thomas, who was older and wiser, wanted to question me further, but Rick stopped him.

"She is extremely distressed and weak, we'll question her later, let her rest," Rick commanded and frankly, I was grateful to him. I wanted to avoid talking about it. I wanted to avoid worrying him about the conversation between the rogues. Someone wanted me dead. I wondered who and why?

My entire life had turned into this huge mess because of that green-eyed Adonis.

I woke up, as I felt being lifted from the car. I realized we had reached home, and Rick was taking me inside. I could hear Linda and several others talking around me, but I pretended to sleep. I did not have the energy to narrate my ordeal.

I moved into the shower immediately after reaching my room. I tried to wash away Lucian's touch his smell, if possible, his memories. I sobbed for no reason; I had been crying non-stop ever since I had escaped. Fervently, I hoped I would not have to explain anything to anyone too soon.

After my shower, I changed into fresh sweatpants and a tee. Someone had left a tray with different kinds of sandwiches. My stomach growled, and I suddenly realized I was famished. It was wonderful to have a full stomach after numerous hours. I curled up on the bed and wiped away one stubborn tear. Fed up with crying, exhaustion finally caught up, and I slept. 

When I woke many hours later, the sun was coming in through the windows and I was feeling better. I wondered what Lucian would be doing. He must be worried about me. I shook my head to dispel his thoughts and took out my laptop.

There was an email from Mark saying he was unable to reach me and was worried about me. I replied to him that I had lost my phone, I would call him once I get a new phone. Thankfully, he was not clingy and did not expect me to call every day.

I was replying to some official emails when I heard the knock. A tearful looking Emma walked in. 

"I am so sorry Alice," she sat down on the bed and looked at me dolefully. 

"Sorry for what?" I asked while shutting down my laptop.

Chapter 9 - Homecoming 1

Chapter 9 - Homecoming 2


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