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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1244

Seeing this, another uproar broke out amongst the crowd.

"What is Lebron going to do?"

"This gift looks pretty special!"

"What's so special? Isn't it just a ring or something like that?"

"Haha, you are so naive. A diamond ring like that is at least a few thousands or ten thousands of yuan. Can you afford it?"

"So what if I can't afford it? Isn't this too old-fashioned? Using a ring for confession. How can Joey accept this?"

In the midst of the discussion, Lebron smiled confidently. He then opened the small gift box in his hand, revealing a sparkling ring. He confessed to Joey in a loud voice, "Joey, this is a heartfelt gift I have prepared for you."

Joey looked over and saw that there was a sparkling diamond ring in the gift box, which looked extremely gorgeous. However, Joey wasn't really interested in it. She asked blandly, "A diamond ring? This is so old-fashioned. Do you think I will accept it? Besides, we are not close enough for me to accept this diamond ring!"

As soon as she finished speaking, many students started to cheer.

"Well done, Joey. Don't get induced by the wealth of the rich kid."

"I told you, Joey is not materialistic. Money is not a problem to her at all."

"That's right. Lebron didn't think this through at all. His diamond ring can’t even be compared to the thoughtfulness of the others who had prepared drawings of Joey."

"Haha, stop thinking that you are better than others just because you have money. There are some things that you still can't achieve even if you have money."

Under the crowd's discussion and ridicule, Lebron glanced at them with disdain and despise. Then he continued with confidence, "Joey, don't reject me yet. Let me introduce my gift to you."

"This diamond ring is called the 'Tear of the Ocean'. It was mined from Africa more than two hundred years ago. Later, it was bought and made into this exquisite piece by a European businessman." "A Belgium princess liked this diamond ring so much that she bought it and wore it as her wedding ring. Since then, the diamond ring has been donned on the fingers of many European royal families and aristocrats. The last time anybody saw this diamond ring was 30 years ago at an Earlington banquet of the royal family."

"But through a connection, my family had located this ring and spent 100 million yuan to buy it."

"This represents my feelings for you. It also represents how important you are to our family, Joey."

"Joey, please be my girlfriend!"

Lebron held the diamond ring up, with a smile on his face, and confidently knelt with one knee in front of Joey as he spoke.

The students were stunned after hearing Lebron's speech. They stared at the sparkling ring, which seemed to emit the aura of the sea. It looked like a refined antique from the old European dynasties.

Just then, the students who had been mocking Lebron were immediately let out heavy sighs.

"A diamond ring that is worth 100 million yuan. That's so generous!"

"It's not about the price, but the story of this diamond ring. It's too magnificent! This is the jewelry that has been worn by the European royal family. It's priceless!"

"It seems that Lebron really put in a lot of effort into this. Bravo."

The boys were all shocked by Lebron's gesture, and their faces were full of helplessness, while the girls had almost gone feral.

"Tears of the Ocean! How romantic."

If a man did this for me, I would surely accept his confession."


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