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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1935

Among them, many seniors had some complaints about Fade's behavior and were feeling dissatisfied in their hearts. Not to mention that the martial artists who had conflicts with him would not take the initiative to say hello to him.

Therefore, when he entered, it was different. When he came in, no one greeted him, and the atmosphere seemed to be a little awkward.

However, he didn't care about this. They didn't say hello to him, and he didn't bother to talk with them. He found a seat in the corner, sat down and closed his eyes to rest.

However, although he did not want to make trouble for himself, some people could not sit still. A wave of sarcastic and scolding words drifted over to him.

"Some people are not that strong, and yet they are really good at causing a hype and creating a commotion. Isn't it lively?"

"After all, it's just hype. The foundation of a martial artist is strength."

"No matter how famous he is, what can he do? In the eyes of outsiders, there is no difference between him and a monkey show."

"It doesn't matter that some people want to make a fool of themselves. However, this person is going to participate in the Top Conference of Martial Arts with us. This will lower our standards and cause outsiders to look down on the Chinese martial arts world!"

"Yes, I don't understand why such a person would be invited. What right does he have to attend the Top Conference of Martial Arts, alongside all the forefathers of the martial arts world?"

"If I knew that such a person was invited, I would have refused this meeting. Hmph!"

In the midst of the discussion, a burly middle-aged man in his fifties deliberately mocked as he looked in Fade's direction, wanting to see his reaction.

However, Fade did not pay attention to their provocation at all. He just sat quietly at the side and closed his eyes to rest.

Seeing this, the eyes of the burly man sank slightly and he winked at the thin man beside him.

The man understood and whispered, "Chairman, I understand."

Immediately, the thin man walked in Fade's direction.

When the martial artists from the other direction saw the situation, they all looked over at him with interest.

"That is the chairman of the Fight Martial Alliance, Zanderick. It looks like he cannot resist fighting."

"Two days ago, Fade publicly defeated Fausto of Fight Martial Alliance at Capital University. He also drove all the members of Fight Martial Alliance out of the university. Of course, Zanderick's dissatisfied with Fade."

"Now, it sounds like a good show."

Amidst the quiet discussion of the crowd, the thin man deliberately walked over to Fade with a cup of tea.

When he walked to him, he threw the cup in his hand in an exaggerated way, and the tea flew towards Fade.

Sitting quietly with his eyes closed, Fade felt the movement around him. He suddenly struck out a burst of energy and directly pushed the cup away.

The tea and shattered glass flew directly towards the thin man's face.

The thin man was caught off guard and was stabbed in the face by the glass shards. He let out a scream and quickly covered his face with his hand.

However, he was still slow. At that moment, his face was full of shattered glass, and some of them had penetrated his flesh.

These didn't cause too much harm, especially for a top Martial Arts Master. However, the man's face immediately sank because he was humiliated in public.


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