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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 2345

The next afternoon, Fade stepped out of the high- speed railway station into Greenfield City.

After ordering a car, he headed directly for Greenfield Mountain.

Greenfield Mountain was the home of the Guo family. Legend had it that a hundred years ago, they were just humble herb pickers working around Greenfield Mountain. At some point, through some twist of fate, they came across a cultivation technique and the rest was history.

Little by little, they grew stronger until they dominated all of Greenfield City, maybe even the entire province.

As he listened to the driver go on about the local customs and practices of Greenfield City, Fade gazed out the window at the scenery of the city and let out a sigh. Greenfield City really was something.

It was not big and its urban development was not prosperous, but the natural environment was well-maintained. One could admire the green mountains as they drove through the city.

The lush forests provided the perfect place for practitioners to cultivate. In particular, the most famous place in Greenfield, Greenfield Mountain, was the most spiritual place.

This was the main reason why the Guo clan had remained in Greenfield after growing stronger.

An hour later, Fade arrived at the foot of Greenfield Mountain.

The mountain was not too tall, standing at only about 700 to 800 meters. However, it was covered in dense, lush forests. It was quite a place.

Looking up from the foot of the mountain, he could make out a few antique buildings through the lush forest. They were exquisitely designed and decorated, giving off a sense of primitive simplicity.

"Greenfield Mountain is a great scenic spot, way more appealing than the concrete buildings in other scenic spots throughout the country."

He couldn't help sighing with emotion.

After a moment, he took a step forward and prepared to climb the mountain.

However, just then, a voice rang out from his side, "Young man, this is not a scenic area."

Fade turned and saw a man of about thirty-six or thirty-seven years old smiling at him.

He made his way over. "If this is not a scenic area, what is that?"

The man smiled and said, "It belongs to the Guo family."

"The Guo family?" Fade slowly put it together.

"You mean, the buildings on the mountain aren't scenic spots, but privately owned by the Guo family?"

The man nodded. "Of course. Not only did the Guo family build the buildings, but the whole mountain also belongs to them."

"Greenfield Mountain is their personal garden. Under normal circumstances, outsiders are forbidden from stepping foot on the mountain. It's very likely that they'll be killed if they do."

Fade turned to the man. "Normal circumstances? You mean there is a way to go up the mountain?"

Hearing this, the man fell silent. Then, with a smile, he pointed to a small cart in front of him.

Fade took a peek inside the cart. It was filled with wild ginseng, Tian Qi, and other herbs, all stained with dirt as though they had just been freshly dug out from the mountain.

He understood. He turned and smiled at the man. "These herbs, how much are you selling them for?"

Hearing this, the man immediately smiled and started to haggle with him, "Five hundred yuan."

"500 yuan per kilogram?" Fade was slightly surprised.

The man rolled his eyes. "Five hundred yuan per tael!" His tone took on an arrogant edge, "They are not expensive. These herbs were dug out of Greenfield Mountain. They are completely natural."

"Furthermore, you should know that these herbs are the reason the Guo family are now the strongest cultivators in Greenfield City. It's the secret to their strength."

"Buy my herbs and maybe you'll be just like the Guo family."


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