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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102 

Climbing out of one pit of hell and into another was she asking for more torment or just having too much time on her hands? 

Leanne was a realist at heart. Romance wasn’t indispensable for her, and she could live 

without it. 

Leanne was a realist at heart. Romance wasn’t a necessity for her, and she could live 

without it. 

Selina couldn’t stand the thought. “My brother’s a good guy, okay? He’s a true gentleman, thoughtful and caring, nothing like that scumbag Curtis. He’s serious about relationships. I wouldn’t dream of setting him up with anyone else if it were someone else.” 

Joy’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “If your brother is a catch like that, set me up with him! She doesn’t want to date, but hey, I’m all in!” 

“Get real!” Selina scoffed. “You’d drag our family’s IQ down a notch.” 

Joy mock-strangled her, “Say that again, I dare you.” 

Selina quickly retaliated with a pinch. “Dream on about marrying my brother after you bully me daily!” 

“Let go of me!” 

“Let go first!” 

“No way! You started it. You should let go first! 

Amidst their playful scuffle, Leanne deftly lifted her plate off the table to avoid becoming collateral damage. 

She wondered aloud, “How did I, of all people, end up friends with you two?” 

At the count of three, Joy and Selina both released their grips. 

Joy flicked her hair back. “You forgot? I didn’t. If it weren’t for my thick skin and persistence back in school, you wouldn’t have given me the time of day.” 

“So, you’re also an ENFP?” Selina narrowed her eyes, intrigued. 

“Damn! You too?” 

Just moments before at each other’s throats, they shook hands warmly, like kindred. spirits, “Ah, the joys of invading the personal space of our introverted friends.” 

Leanne sighed. “What did we introverts ever do to deserve this?” 

The rooftop restaurant Selina had picked for the evening was famous. The glass walls offered a panoramic view of Stonebridge’s resplendent night lights, and a thin layer of 


Chapter 102 

snow dusted the ceiling. 

Dim, warm lights and flickering candle flames set a romantic mood inside. 

Just before they were about to take their leave, Joy glanced around at the various couples and commented, “The food here is pretty average, but the atmosphere is ideal for dates. Remind me why we are here again?” 

Rummaging for her credit card, Selina retorted, “What’s wrong with us having a nice evening out?” 

Leanne stepped up to pay amidst the cashier’s amused giggles. “I’ve got this one.” 

As the cashier was about to process the payment, she paused, “Oops, sorry. Your bill has already been taken care of.” 

“Already paid?” 

At that moment, Selina shouted, “Jeremy!” 

Leanne turned to see Jeremy, who had just finished dining with friends. 


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