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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 111

Chapter 11 

As Leanne descended the staircase that morning, Curtis and Philip were already seated in the dining room. 

The family dining table had its unwritten rules. When the elders were present, everyone had their assigned spots. The brothers sat opposite each other, leaving Leanne no choice but to take her usual seat beside Curtis despite her reluctance to engage with him. 

As she moved towards Curtis’ side, he looked up, his gaze cunningly scanning her before. he let out a scornful chuckle. 

Phillip caught the sound and asked, “What’s with the sneer?” 

Curtis lifted his coffee cup, his tone dry. “Why don’t you show me how to flash a warm smile, and I’ll learn.” 

Phillip just shook his head. 

Leanne knew the hidden meaning behind Curtis’ sarcastic laugh. She turned around. “I’ll go wake Mary for breakfast.” 

After a while, Maddox and Jennifer joined them at the table. Leanne helped Mary to her seat at the head before sitting back down beside Curtis. 

They were in the middle of breakfast when they saw Sarah emerge from a guest room on the first floor. 

Mary looked puzzled. “Did we have visitors last night?” 

Sarah answered with restrained politeness. “Last night, Mr. Curtis stayed in there.” 

The cutlery clattered subtly around the table as Mary instantly turned to Curtis and Leanne. “Why on earth would you sleep in the guest room?” 

Caught off guard and still holding her fork, Leanne was at a loss for words. 

Curtis, unfazed, replied, “I got back late and didn’t want to disturb her.” 

As he spoke, he nonchalantly served Leanne a bite of food, his lips forming a sweet smirk. “Darling, dig in.” 

Leanne glared at the garlic on her plate. Thanks, but no thanks. 

Perhaps feeling Curtis was overdoing the performance, Maddox cleared his throat. “Let’s just eat.” 

After breakfast, Leanne said, “Mary, how about I take you to the hospital for another check-up? Tyler just returned to Stonebridge last week. I’ll schedule an appointment for you. He’s the best in the field for gastric issues and performed your surgery, after all.” 



Chap 1 

Sarah looked uneasy. That was the last thing she w 


would come 

Grandma was calm as ever. “Dear, Tyler knows my coin herche wete a sute would’ve been healed by now. This old body cant handle he sine anymore Going to the hospital is just suffering.” 

The admission brought tears to Leanne’s eyes, which she hurriedly tried to hide 

Curtis clicked his tongue and glanced at Mary. “Stop upsetting her 

Mary quickly consoled Leanne. “Oh, my dear, no more tears I’m fine You’re my lucky star Just come by more often, and I’ll live another three years.” 

Leanne’s heart ached. Then I’ll take the day off to stay with you.” 

“You have healing hands that save lives. The hospital needs you, and patients are waiting Come back to me after your shift 

“I’ll come back as soon as I can. If you feel unwell at all, you must tell me 

“Now, off you go.” Mary pivoted towards Curtis. “You drop Anne off at work. Its super chilly out there. Don’t let her catch a cold.” 


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