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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122 

to a 

The coffee table was overflowing with snacks and drinks, so they had been corner and the living room floor had become a makeshift buffet spread out on the carper 

Leanne came back with two freshly washed glasses, just as Joy and Selina were getting a movie queued up on the projector. 

They dimmed the overhead lights, leaving the warm glow of a couple of floor lamps to set the mood. 

Nestled into the couch, sipping on fine wine, and engaging in laid-back conversation, th atmosphere was the epitome of relaxation. 

Jeremy, hearing that the lasagna sitting neglected at the edge of the spread was Leanne’s homemade specialty, asked, “Mind if I try some?” 

Leanne quickly interjected, “Oh, that? It’s not great. You should stick to the other stuff, and there’s plenty to go around.” 

But Jeremy had already taken a bite and swallowed, “It’s actually pretty good.” 

He ended up polishing off the entire dish, leaving Leanne in disbelief, “You really don’t have to force yourself.” 

Joy, with a playful nudge, teased, “What’s next, eating a dishrag? I’m impressed.” 

Meanwhile, across town. 

“When did Selina get so chummy with Leanne?” Devin was lounging with his legs propped up after a game of cards, scrolling through his social feed. 

“Is that Leanne’s place? She’s made it pretty cozy.” He offered his commentary while scrolling, “And what’s Jeremy doing there too? 

On a nearby armchair, Curtis who had been preoccupied all evening suddenly tensed, a cigarette dangling from his lips as he snatched the phone for a closer look. 

Selina had posted an update just five minutes ago. 

The backdrop was Leanne’s place, decked out in a festive array of food and drink. 

Selina and Joy’s grinning faces dominated half the screen, with two others seated behind them. 

Curtis took the cigarette from his mouth, squinting at the photo. 

Leanne sat relaxed on the carpet, knees hugged to her chest, engrossed in the movie. 

Jeremy sat beside her. 

While she was absorbed in the film, Jeremy was absorbed in her, unnoticed. 

Chapter 1221 

The cigarette was pinched into a V-shape in Curtis’ hand. 

“Desperate for my wife, huh?” He muttered under his breath. 

“Jeremy’s crossing a line here,” Devin remarked, “Sure, you and Leanne au divorced, and who she sees is none of your business, but couldn’t he have waited just a bit longer to make a move?” 

Before Devin could finish, Curtis tossed back the phone, nearly hitting him in the face 

The overhead light cast orange shadows over Curtis’ brooding features, and his eyes gloomy. 

“Can’t booze shut you up?” he growled, the words sharp as if plucked from a freezer. 

Devin stared in confusion, “You finally got divorced, free at last, and yet you don’t seemn happy.” 

The news of Curtis’ divorce from Leanne had spread like wildfire in their circle. 

Devin had wanted to celebrate, but Curtis had jetted off to Iceland the same day, cutting off contact with everyone until he returned just yesterday. 

Taking advantage of the holiday spirit, Devin had called the guys together for a festive drink to celebrate. 

But Curtis, back from his trip, seemed even more downcast than before. 

While everyone else was enjoying the party, Curtis was aloof, barely responding to 


y?” Curtis lifted an icy gaze, “You were looking forward to my divorce that much?” 

ah.” Devin, ever the tactless one, suggested, “Why not throw a party to celebrate? A ivorce banquet. It’s trendy these days.” 


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