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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 162

Chapter 162 

At the break of dawn, Leanne pulled herself out of bed before the alarm even had the 

chance to ring. 

Groggy and slow to react, she stumbled out of her room, ready to rouse Joy and Selina for the day ahead. 

When she spotted Curtis outside her door, she thought she was still trapped in a dream. 

He leaned against the wall, his gaze fixed on some distant point, lost in thought. 

He was still in the clothes from the previous day, a cigarette dangling from his hand, burning away into the quiet haze, its smoke curling around his slender, distinct fingers. 

The stillness of the early morning enshrouded the hotel, and the night stretched its shadows over his shoulders, a cloak of solitude. 

Leanne instinctively reached for her phone to check the time, it was 4:30 AM. 

Her gaze shifted back to Curtis, still not fully awake. 

Curtis noticed her and promptly snuffed out his cigarette. His eyes were deeper than the night outside, his voice gravelly, either from the smoke or the sleepless night, “Morning.” 

Leanne hadn’t expected such a simple greeting and reflexively responded, “…Morning.” 

She meant to ask why he was standing there instead of sleeping, but the words fell away before reaching her lips. 

She hadn’t slept well either. 

Despite her efforts to control her thoughts, Curtis had easily stirred her emotions into. disarray. 

It was like a stone thrown into a lake; even if you don’t want to cause ripples, they spread far and wide, refusing to settle. 

They locked eyes in a moment of silence. 

Curtis began to speak again, his voice low and hoarse, “Leanne…” 

Right then, Joy and Selina emerged from their rooms, looking like zombies. 

Passing by Curtis, Joy, barely keeping her eyes open, turned to Selina and mumbled, “Bite him.” 

Selina yawned so wide it seemed her jaw might dislocate, then silently closed her mouth, “Can’t do. We’ll die.” 

“Let’s go.” Leanne walked straight past Curtis. 


Chapter 162 

Jeremy had already brought the car around to the hotel’s entrance. The Hot Spring Hotel wasn’t far from Echo Summit, just a ten-minute drive to the base of the mountain. 

The chill of the mountain forest was even sharper than at the hotel, and at this hour, the entire mountain was cloaked in darkness. 

Stepping out into the biting pre-dawn wind, Joy’s teeth chattered as she confronted the instigator of this sunrise hike, “Have you been living so comfortably that you’re seeking 

How about I help by adding a couple of slaps into the mix?” 


Selina burrowed into her puffer jacket, shivering, “In my life, I’ve never watched the sun, rise… from a mountain…” 

“That’s because you never get up when we call Only they can get you moving,” Jeremy retorted, unloading everyone’s backpacks from the car. 

Handing Leanne her pack, Jeremy asked, “Are you cold?” 

Leanne shook her head; her puffer jacket was wind-resistant, and she was well-equipped with a scarf, hat, and gloves. 

She slung the pack over her back, feeling a bit clumsy in the bulky jacket, “I’m good, not 


Just then, headlights pierced the darkness as an SUV pulled up nearby. 

The sight of Devin, decked out in his hiking gear, getting out of the driver’s seat elicited a groan from Joy, “Great, like stepping in dog poop first thing in the morning. My luck’s just fantastic today!” 

Joy’s taunt lit a fire under Devin, who glowered “Say that again, I dare you!” 

Joy didn’t miss a beat, “Like stepping in dog poop first thing in the morning. My luck’s just fantastic today!” 


“You asking for trouble?!” 


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