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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 178

Chapter 178 

In the elevator, Leanne’s gaze was fixed firmly on the digital floor indicator, an aura of ‘Do Not Disturb’ practically radiating from her. 

Her eyes were on the numbers counting down, while Curtis had his eyes on her. 

With no one else in the lift, Curtis let his unabashed gaze drift over her, tracing the sleek curve of her hair, skimming over her pale ear, and finally lingering on her elegant jawline. 

“You’re avoiding eye contact. What’s the matter, hiding something?” he teased. 

Without so much as a twitch, Leanne retorted, “I’m not looking because I don’t want to. I’m tired of the sight.” 

Curtis chuckled, “That’s a shame; I’m not tired at all. How about this? You turn around, close your eyes, I get to look at you, and you don’t have to see me. Win-win.” 

Leanne pursed her lips. ‘Jerk,’ she thought. 

His voice floated over her head, languid. “Cursing me in your head again?” 

She didn’t response. When the elevator doors opened, Leanne bolted, striding away briskly. 


by was waiting for her downstairs, waving cheerfully from the driver’s seat of the car she had to return to her boss by the end of the day. She was determined to make the most of the last few hours with it by dropping Leanne off at work. 

As Joy caught sight of the tall, handsome man trailing out of the building behind her friend, her smile vanished. 

Leanne climbed into Joy’s car, accepting the coffee from the cup holder. 

“That for me?” she asked. 

“Yep,” Joy replied, her expression a mix of amusement and conspiracy. 

had deep 

After a brief struggle to maintain her composure, Joy blurted out, “I know your feelings for him once, and it’s impossible to just switch those off. Plus, I’ll admit, the guy’s like a Greek god-all charm and great service.. if you catch my drift.” 

Leanne nearly choked on her coffee, coughing so hard she could hardly speak. 

Joy handed her a tissue, insistent on finishing her point, “It’s natural to slip up, remember, you can’t go back to eating leftovers! You’ve had your bite, just don’t for seconds!” 




Leanne, clutching the tissue, explained with a heavy sigh, “He just showed up this morning.” 


Chapter 178 

Joy was adamant, “Morning sex is just as bad! 

Regretting sharing too much with her friend, Leanne shot back, “Could you possibly rinse 


brain along with your face each morning?” 

Joy shot back with her unique logic, “Ever heard of the phrase ‘A little indulgence keeps the doctor away’? Without those small treats, how would I cope with the daily grind?” 


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