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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 221

Chapter 221 

This whole situation was like poking a bear for Curtis. 

This was the thing that caused the three-year long strain between him and Leanne, made her utterly despise him now, and kept their beautiful, adorable daughter from coming into 

this world. 

Now, it was a sensitive topic for both of them, a no-go zone that neither could touch or 


Seeing the two of them walk in together, side by side, Curtis’ radar went off. 

Even though Leanne had admitted she wasn’t in love with Phillip, Curtis couldn’t help but be petty, wanting to erect an impenetrable barrier between them. 

He could clearly sense Phillip’s taunts aimed at him. 

Staring at Phillip’s back, Curtis squinted his eyes. Turning to Leanne, he said, “Next time you see him, make a run for it.” 

“Why should I listen to you?” Leanne retorted. 

Curtis gave her a look. “Because if not, you’ll remember that time I confessed my feeling to you, and you’ll want to crawl into a hole from embarrassment.” 

She was speechless. 

He really did know her well. 

Seeing him cozy up to Leanne to chat, Mary got up from her couch in a huff and dragged him aside. She took Leanne by the arm, leading her away while saying, “Don’t mind him!” 

It was like she was a protective parent, worried about her child being bullied by the neighborhood troublemaker. 

Leanne went through the motions, greeting everyone and offering well-wishes for the 


Jennifer nodded, handing her a gift, “Here, take this.” 

Leanne was taken aback, “Oh, you don’t have to.” 

“Just take it,” Jennifer insisted. 

Reluctantly, Leanne accepted, “Thank you, Mrs. Richardson.” 

Jennifer, dressed in a tailor-made gown with dark purple velvet, exuded elegance that spoke of her wealthy background. 

Perhaps it was the festive spirit, but she seemed even more benevolent towards Leanne than usual, “Whatever’s between you and Curtis, let’s keep it separate. You’re always 



Chapter 221 

welcome here; you’re practically family,” Jennifer said with a warmth that surprised 


Why was she being so nice? 

It was all because Mary had been sighing dramatically every five minutes since yesterday, lamenting, “You’re all here enjoying yourselves while my poor grandchild Anne is out there alone, without even a hot meal at Christmas.” 

The guilt was palpable with every bite they took. 

“It’s not like we told her not to come. She’s on duty today, and didn’t Jerry take her some food?” Jennifer tried to reason. 

But Mary only grew more melancholic, “What’s the use if only I remember her? What happens when I’m gone? Who will care if she’s eaten? A kid without a mom is really alone 


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