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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 250

Chapter 250 

Leanne had a poor appetite these days, but she still opened the box and took a bite. “Wow, it is delicious.” 

“That’s the spirit. It’s packed with all my love,” Joy declared, making heart gestures at her from all angles. 

Leanne chuckled. “That’s plenty. Any more, and it might just get too sweet.” 

“What’s up? You seem down,” Ever so perceptive about her friend’s moods, Joy piped up. “Oh, right. Wasn’t it time you got your divorce papers with Curtis sorted?” 

Leanne lost her appetite and set the pastry aside. 


“He didn’t go through with it?” Joy snorted. “Playing games, huh? Fine. I’ll get Selina, and we’ll drag him to the city hall ourselves!” 

“It won’t work,” Leanne sighed. “There was a problem with our divorce agreement. It’s 


Upon hearing the whole story, Joy exploded. “That lowlife! How dare he play you like that? I will give him a piece of my mind!” 

She jumped up, ready to storm out, but Leanne stopped her. “No, Joy. Don’t confront him. I don’t want you getting hurt over this. I’m so tired. Let me rest a bit.” 

The fatigue in Leanne’s eyes broke Joy’s heart. 

She wanted to go after Curtis, but with nothing but her fiery spirit against those high-and-mighty types, she felt as insignificant as an ant. 

Leanne’s worry for her was evident, and Joy knew it. 

“Okay, I won’t go. Got any beer? I’ll keep you company with a drink.” 

Leanne didn’t have a beer, but she did have some red wine someone had gifted her. She poured them each a glass. 

The two nestled on the couch, slowly sipping wine. After a few glasses, possibly feeling the effects, Joy mused, “Do you think it’d be worth it to go down with Curtis?” 

Only she would say something like that for her Leanne felt warmth and sorrow in her heart. 

“No, it won’t,” she replied. “Would you leave me behind?” 

Joy hugged her. “I couldn’t.” 

Drinking did offer a temporary escape from their troubles. Leanne was slightly drunk, and 



Chapter 250 

Joy coaxed her to go to bed, where she fell into a deep sleep. 

After a while, Joy carefully got out of bed, grabbed her shoes, and quietly slipped out the door, gently closing it behind her. 

The parking garage of the upscale office building was heated, but the sunless second basement level felt eerily cold and empty. 

Selina got off, following Joy, who marched with determination. Selina had to jog to keep 

Selina was nervous. “Why am I here if you’re going to confront him? I’m not brave enough to yell at him. My brother’s not around, and I’m scared.” 

Filled with recklessness for Leanne, Joy knew no fear, but no one dared cross Curtis 


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